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1  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: February 06, 2024, 07:26:41 AM
Dev Update - Feb 2024
Welcome to our Q1 2024 update. In the last 6 months, we launched our asset management dashboard. This feature allows you to track and analyze the performance of a portfolio or wallet in a clean and simple interface.

NFTs and Transaction History
Enter an Ethereum address in the search bar to bring up the asset dashboard. Track your tokens, NFTs and view transaction history.

Transaction Details
You can also search a transaction ID to bring up real time transaction information.

Terminal Command: Currency Conversion
Confused about the value of Bitcoin in your local currency? Use our terminal bar for multi currency conversion. You can even find out the value of $DOGE in $BTC or any combination you can think of.
Thank you for all of your support so far. We're looking forward to improving the services we offer for the benefit of the wider community. Let us know if you have any feature requests as there is a bunch of stuff we've skipped over.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How the Bitcoin ETF could actually tank Bitcoin's market value on: January 26, 2024, 07:10:32 AM
What happens, in short, when Bitcoin ventures outside of its tight community of enthusiastic anarcho-libertarians--who desperately want Bitcoin to succeed for geopolitical reasons--and it is instead evaluated, coldly, like any other investment by people who don't have that political agenda?

I like the challenge of a contrarian debate. Consider this, Bitcoin naturally acts as a hedge against existing currencies and asset classes. As centralised currency systems rise and fall (periods of recessions) which economists agree happens in 8-12 year cycles, hedges become important. Protecting against a loss in financial value is not a view thats constrained to a group of as you put 'enthusiastic anarcho-libertarians', its a bi-partisan or nonpartisan (universal) desire that is not constrained by geographical boundaries.

In this scenario, the outcome is universally bullish for Bitcoin as an alternative asset class.
3  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: August 07, 2023, 03:58:06 AM
The site is starting to look really nice. It feels fast and responsive.
For the Terms section i would suggest using maybe some formating within the explanation of the terms. Maybe use bold for the terms in the text, makes it easier for the eyes to grasp.
I would also suggest being a bit more active on the blog. Try to make an article a week, or bi-weekly at least. Makes you look more active and authoritative.

Overall its a nice looking site. Fast and simple but gets the info accross well.

Thanks for the feedback, we've focused a lot of effort on making sure the most relevant information is fast to access. This is different to most other crypto data websites as they are designed to mostly serve advertising.

We'll try get more articles out, but in the mean time we are focusing our social media channels, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Threads. Do support us on socials as much as possible. We'd love to grow in a way where we can serve the wider crypto community for their data needs better.
4  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: July 10, 2023, 04:54:49 AM
Dev Update - see below
5  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: January 17, 2023, 03:59:24 AM
It looks like there's a minor bug in the news tab that shows duplicate results under different sources: Screenshot

BTW, I just noticed the switch button in the conversion rate window [part of the "September" update], doesn't have any functions attached to it.

Thanks for letting us know, a patch is on its way.  Grin
6  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: January 11, 2023, 06:21:43 AM
Dev Update

Since our last update, FTX crashed. It's big news in the space and we noticed that everybody was looking for the same information. To save time in your daily workflow, we added a filter on our news page for FTX specific articles:

Stay up to date with the latest FTX happenings

Any further comments or suggestions welcomed.
7  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: September 29, 2022, 06:37:27 AM

September Dev Updates
Since our last post, our dev team have been busy implementing a few new features (some of them as requested above):

We now have a Terminal / Search bar. Press '/' to bring it up and you will find a command list.

We've started to add custom commands. Try getting the conversion rate from one crypto to another.

And the much requested crypto search feature is now live. For rapid access you can press 'enter' once to bring up a price preview, and press 'enter' again to be taken to the detailed view of the cryptocurrency you've selected.

Our vision is to have a very powerful terminal command bar. Using it, you can navigate the whole website without using your mouse. In the pipeline are many additional features all designed to save you, the user time. If you have any requests, please let us know. Although we will not share too many details on what we are working on next, your requests may help us reprioritise and know what is important for you, the user to have.
8  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: September 14, 2022, 04:15:43 AM
The design is fairly good and overall it leave good first impression for me. However, i find few bug on your website.

1. Sort by 24h refuse to show change lower than 0%.

2. For certain coin/token, the page always show indeterminate progress bar rather than price chart.

And personally i'd rather separate category for coin and token. For example, i don't need to know USDT price remain at $1 or WBTC have similar price with BTC.

Thanks for letting us know, this has now been fixed.

9  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: September 13, 2022, 09:36:47 AM

Can I ask how you're scraping and aggregating the news? I tried long ago to make the same thing for me but ended with horrible results :/ (yahoo pipe was so great for it)
For the social media, I guess you're using API but the websites (with no RSS)?

As for suggesting more sources, there are sooo many.
You can even think to play with google alerts

Nice challenge you're taking to compete with others because that's a huge task.

The news area could need more newspaper sources, not only CoinTelegraph Wink (I don't know, btctimes and others, although I know that if they're too many you'll end up with duplications)

Easy to deal with duplications if Regex is used

Hey @LeGaulois, its a difficult task scraping together all of these sources.

We use a mix of APIs and RSS feeds although as you've noticed, it is challenging as the data can be quite messy.

Some of the data sources are structured so that we can pull out headings and links but again its not easy to do consistently without it breaking often. Either way we are committed to the challenge because of how much time a properly implemented news feed aggregator can save people.

It is also on our todo list to check out google alerts and news but I'm not sure if we can make that data useful. If there are any developers who want to contribute to what we are doing then let us know.
10  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: September 09, 2022, 08:29:01 AM
The news area could need more newspaper sources, not only CoinTelegraph Wink (I don't know, btctimes and others, although I know that if they're too many you'll end up with duplications)
Also I would suggest you keep the (news) filter between sessions (cookie?)

You asked for a way to keep news filters between sessions. We delivered this into production this morning. Filters are now added to the URL so you can bookmark a selection of filtered news that you want to see.

In the example above, we show all of the news, tweets and youtube videos that hit the filter terms Bitcoin, Ethereum, America, Uniswap and Opensea.

Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming. More news sources incoming.
11  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: September 02, 2022, 08:01:40 AM
Very cool idea i love it!

Some feedback:

I can't find the Search option, the sort doesn't work on mobile tried from difference devices.

Overall the website looks great!

Thanks for the positive feedback. Search bar is being deployed on Monday - It'll have some really unique features which I'm quite excited about. Will post a more detailed breakdown about how it works soon.
12  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: September 02, 2022, 08:00:47 AM
The news area could need more newspaper sources, not only CoinTelegraph Wink (I don't know, btctimes and others, although I know that if they're too many you'll end up with duplications)
Also I would suggest you keep the (news) filter between sessions (cookie?)

Thanks, we'll add BTCTimes to the list, would appreciate any other sources if the community has others.

Keeping the filter... We're working on adding filters to the URL so that you can bookmark and navigate around the site while being able to go directly back to the view you expect. We could also do this as a cookie so let us have a think on that one.
13  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] DefiDive – A lightweight crypto price, news and information terminal on: September 02, 2022, 07:58:24 AM
Compare us to other services you currently use and let us know how we are doing.
I had a quick glance and noticed the historical price chart doesn't work well for certain cryptocurrencies:

For BTCitcoin, it doesn't seem to load anything beyond 1M, while I'm not even seeing a chart for USDT.

We would love to know what features you would like to see on DefiDive
  • Ability to choose sources on the news tab and while you're at it, it'd be nice to have next and previous buttons for each of its sections [as it stands, we're limited to seeing only the last 10 for each section].
  • Alerts
  • Light mode

/Bookmarked Wink

Thanks for the feedback, we're working on adding more crypto price data including historical so watch this space. We're also working on caching some of the data for faster response. USDT is a tricky one as it requires us to have a fiat currency to peg against. This data will come in time and is on our todo list but might be a little while away.

The news page is our first iteration, this is being refined a lot this month.
14  Economy / Service Announcements / [ANN] DefiDive – A fast crypto price, news and asset management terminal on: August 30, 2022, 07:26:41 AM
Filter the noise
Every morning you wake up, check the prices and wonder what has happened overnight in the market Huh. While making your morning coffee, you load up CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, Crypto Youtube, Crypto Twitter, BitcoinTalk and Discord to find out what the sentiment is. Before you know it, you have multiple browser tabs open in multiple different windows and things are a mess. (sound familiar?)

Lead by the frustration of existing services, a group of friends got together to work on the challenge of making a cleaner, faster crypto information portal. The goal? Present information to visitors in a clear and transparent manner that would be easy to access, fast and intuitive. Our goal is to become the homepage of every crypto investor.

We launched beta a few months ago and are now ready to show off the features we're proud of.

Our landing page
Price information is what a majority of users want, and that is exactly what they will get when visiting our homepage. Compare us to other services you currently use and let us know how we are doing.

News page
Categorized news. In one click, filter all of the Bitcoin related news across CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, Twitter and YouTube. Simple, clean and quick. We categorize across the top 50 coins and search terms. This feature is in Beta and is great for saving time while staying on top of the latest developments in the space.

We believe decentralized finance is a movement that is here to stay. We show the largest defi platforms helping you perform due diligence on where to access the most trusted sites. Yes that does include where to stake your WBTC!

Services like Coinmarketcap are not designed for the best user experience. They are often designed to increase browsing time to show more adverts. At DefiDive, our design focus is to enable visitors get the information they want and need as quickly as possible.

The team & who we are
I’m Seal, a long time supporter and member of BitcoinTalk since early 2012. We launched our first Bitcoin startup in 2013, one of the industry’s earliest trading platforms. During our 4 year life, we brokered US $250 million in Bitcoin trades (accounting for 2% of all bitcoins in existence at the time) for over 30,000 users. In 2018, in part due to the profits we made from our crypto investments and the uncertain regulatory landscape we decided to close the trading platform making way for decentralized finance and Ethereum based apps to succeed.

Our co-founders come from backgrounds in FAANG and Investment Banking. Watch this space and follow our socials for more.

DefiDive is seed funded by its founders and has the goal of becoming the homepage of every cypto investor.

Here's a snippet of my post history and involvement in the community:
Bitcointalk’s longest running signature scheme (back in the day)

Automated trading systems I programmed and ran during 2012

DefiDive Socials

Help and contribute to DefiDive
We've found the Bitcointalk community one of the most supportive communities in the space. We would love to know what features you would like to see on DefiDive and how we can improve our service. Visit our site and follow our socials for more. By working to improve crypto infrastructure, the space will expand accelerating adoption.

15  Economy / Exchanges / Re: another scam or not? on: February 11, 2017, 09:05:29 PM
Hello Bitcointalk,

I'm surprised that nobody has taken up the offer to come in and visit. If anyone within the community lives in the UK and are based around London, come in for a coffee on us! There is no better way to verify if we are the real deal then to meet us in person and ask us about what we do.

PM me, or use the Magnr Support contact form to get in touch.
16  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Post your SegWit questions here - open discussion - big week for Bitcoin! on: February 09, 2017, 08:49:39 PM
I have a technical question on how SegWit works:

With current transactions, the number of confirmations acts as a guarantee of the Bitcoins deposited. Many services require between 3-6 confirmations to show that funds have been deposited.

With SegWit, does this logic still remain?

I may be confused with what SegWit and Lightning does. I've heard some mention that it can give an instantaneous guarantee of fund transfer, however I don't see how this would work without confirmations of the original transaction...
You're confusing Segwit with Lightning. Segwit does not touch confirmations or anything like that, it only affects the data itself. The number of confirmations required will still be the same.

Lightning is different and allows instantaneous transactions because the transactions actually happen off chain. The guarantee that your transactions are final are done through incentives and retaliation. The only onchain parts of lightning are the opening and closing of payment channels.

Thanks for the clarification achow101. That gives me a few more questions to ask about Lightning... I'll save those for a more relevant post though. I'm starting to see how clever SegWit is now in what it does. Definitely a strong scaling option... coming from someone who was previously in the 2mb only camp.
17  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Post your SegWit questions here - open discussion - big week for Bitcoin! on: February 09, 2017, 08:33:27 PM
I have a technical question on how SegWit works:

With current transactions, the number of confirmations acts as a guarantee of the Bitcoins deposited. Many services require between 3-6 confirmations to show that funds have been deposited.

With SegWit, does this logic still remain?

I may be confused with what SegWit and Lightning does. I've heard some mention that it can give an instantaneous guarantee of fund transfer, however I don't see how this would work without confirmations of the original transaction...
18  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-04-21] Private vs Public Blockchains: Is there room for both to prevail? on: April 21, 2016, 03:35:36 PM

Private versus Public Blockchains: Is there room for both to prevail?

The buzzword blockchain has reached new heights in finance history. Not since the invention of double-entry accounting in the thirteenth century has a method of keeping up with things promised our world so much improvement.

There are very few people left to deny that the general idea of a blockchain; i.e. sharing a ledger between multiple parties in a decentralized manner to keep everyone honest, is revolutionary and will be useful in our global society soon. Many of the highest financial authorities on Earth have paid it lip service in the last year, from IMF Director Madame Lagarde to the UK’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport and Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen. Even people once staunchly against anything to do with bitcoin like JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon have recounted and stated for the record that there is something to learn from blockchain technology now.

However, the greatest advancements in blockchain technology are all based on the advantages derived from the public, ‘open’ type of blockchain, while most people in the professional finance world are looking for advancements in the private, ‘permissioned’ type of blockchain.
19  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-04-20] Bitcoin holds a steady price – Magnr Spring 2016 Update on: April 20, 2016, 05:03:49 PM
Bitcoin’s steady price has fuelled a steady growth of blockchain based industries in 2016. Many speculate that low price volatility represents a calm before the storm while others think that it is time for consolidation.

Traders see price stability as a curse but history teaches us that a stable currency is vital for growth.

Regional Interest
Where the west sees Bitcoin as a speculative digital asset, the east sees opportunity. Digital currencies are seen in a different light in different geopolitical regions. The main reason behind this is because the application and use case changes based on where you are.

In established western economies such as the US and UK, Bitcoin is seen as a tool for experimentation and speculation. It is used as an on ramp to understand the space and a core piece of infrastructure from which to build and test blockchain based innovations from. Emerging African and Asian economies view Bitcoin as a powerful tool for cross border payments. A way to pay workers, and a way to remit money without the tax on poverty that traditional payment mechanisms (such as Western Union) impose.
20  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: The Basics of Forking on: February 17, 2016, 01:04:08 PM

After 750 of the last 1000 blocks signal support for the fork by setting a certain bit in the version number

Thanks for the explanation, to clarify, does it have to be 750 consecutive blocks in a row with that new version or is it just 750 out of the last 1000 blocks that will trigger the grace period?
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