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1  Economy / Auctions / Re: [Auction] 22 500Gh/s Jupiters From KNC Hosting Facility on: August 17, 2014, 05:59:49 PM
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What are your top 5 altcoins - in order? on: August 17, 2014, 03:41:40 PM is the official scoreboard

Bitshares X and Bitshares PTS are in the top 10 and climbing

Once BitUSD is released would not surprise me to see Bitshares X market cap exceed BTC.

You can say you heard it here first Cheesy
3  Economy / Auctions / Re: [Auction] 22 500Gh/s Jupiters From KNC Hosting Facility on: August 17, 2014, 03:36:20 PM
Your rep is red why anyone should trust you ?

you dont have too, you can use escrow
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: DUAL snapshot for BitShares PTS! on: August 17, 2014, 03:35:11 PM
Ok, looking for some different pros  cons   verses     buying  PTS      vs BTSX  at this time    or just holding BTC.

Thanks in advance crypto bros. and sisters

Thats a tough question to answer right now. Buy PTS before the snapshot and receive free shares on BTS DNS  and BTS Vote?

or buy BTSX because it is very  undervalued?

I solved the problem by buying both Cheesy
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: BitShares IPO : get in if u r smart ! on: August 17, 2014, 03:22:20 PM
IPO from confirmed scammer ? no thanks  Cheesy

You must have got something wrong, BitShares has nothing to do with "a confirmed scammer" as you say, here's its team in case you're truly interested beyond mere baseless accusations:

"Come-from-Above" has nothing to do with BitShares development if this is what you're trying to suggest.

STFU filthy noob.  I am grand leader of dem BitShares !  Bit Coin and Bit Shares is the LIGHT.


You might want to talk to bytemaster about that.;u=611

His is CEO of Invictus Innovations the group behind Bitshares
6  Economy / Auctions / Re: [Auction] 22 500Gh/s Jupiters From KNC Hosting Facility on: August 17, 2014, 03:16:22 PM
Just under three hours left to bid

There were some of these  Jupiters that hashed over 550GH/s  but the average over the 22 was just  over 500GH/s
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Best Alt coin to invest in 2014 on: August 14, 2014, 08:55:13 PM
Bitshares PTS
Bitshares X

Both in top ten on and climbing, because of dual snapshot on August 21, 2014 for two new DAC's  Bitshares DNS and Bitshares vote

Also working with Overstock to list Overstock new radical stock market idea on BTSX

Bitshares X - currently trading on Bter and Btc38  and a working wallet, with market trading in beta testing

The forum where the magic happens  BitShares Talk
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Official BitShares X support thread. [BTSX] on: August 14, 2014, 08:37:19 PM
Anyone else having issues transferring PTS from cryptsy?  Surely block confirmations aren't 36hrs.

I don't trust cryptsy to honor the coming snapshots.

I had some smaller withdrawls go through, but have a couple that have been pending for days
9  Economy / Auctions / Re: [Auction] 22 500Gh/s Jupiters From KNC Hosting Facility on: August 14, 2014, 08:24:45 PM
Before you powered them down, they were all working?

Yes, they came directly from KNC hosting facility  and were all working
10  Economy / Auctions / Re: [Auction] 22 500Gh/s Jupiters From KNC Hosting Facility on: August 14, 2014, 08:20:38 PM

Currently high bid

11  Economy / Auctions / Re: [Auction] 22 500Gh/s Jupiters From KNC Hosting Facility on: August 14, 2014, 08:19:21 PM

Thanks, what comes from not really reading the title.  However still interested in shipping dimensions & weight.   

So are these shipping from Canada?  If so what postal code.  Could you let me know what the dimensions & weight of the boxes are.  Would like to be able to figure out shipping costs.  

These do not come with PSU

Shipping dimensions  60x50x30 cm   11Kg    postal code T5K 0L5
12  Economy / Auctions / [Auction] 22 500Gh/s Jupiters From KNC Hosting Facility on: August 14, 2014, 02:42:19 AM
To eliminate allegations of me cherry picking the best Jupiters, I am selling all Jupiters in original KNC packaging unopened and untested.

Up for auction 22 KNC Jupiters @ 500 GH/s each.

-These Jupiters were hosted at KNC hosting facility for 6 months and will be shipped directly to you without being tested and in the original KNC packaging.

-The KNC packaging has some rips in the cardboard packaging. All Jupiters are assumed working but have not been tested and come with no guarantee of working.

-Jupiters fans were also known to fall of during transit

-Becuase of Jupiters not being tested,  issues with cooling fans dislodging during transit and poor KNC packaging these Jupiters are being sold AS IS.

AS IS means no returns So please bid accordingly.

All packages will be sent with confirmed delivery, escrow will be released within 24 hours of confirmed delivery with no returns.

Bidding Format

# of Jupiters@Price each in BTC

For example, if you wanted to buy two Jupiters for 1 BTC each  your bid would look like this



Escrow will be accepted with

End Date

Auction will end at 12:00 hours MST on August 17th , 2014

- Shipping and duty is the responsibility of the Buyer.
- A from address will be provided to winning bidders and buyers will send a prepaid shipping label to the seller.
- To have Jupiters shipped to Alberta, Canada from Sweden cost $175 to give you an idea on shipping costs
- Seller will send the package(s)(Jupiter) within one business day of receiving paid shipping label.

Non payment within 48 hours of winning auction will cancel your bid.

Again this auction is for AS IS 500GH/s Jupiters with no returns
13  Bitcoin / Group buys / Re: [GB]Terraminer IV #5, Coinsortium on: August 14, 2014, 02:28:01 AM
I would like it to be clarified if the so-called "5th unit" that was delivered late is in fact unit #3 (the one sent back to Cointerra) in our gb. For accounting purposes.

I suspect so, but only soniq can answer that question for certain.

Yes, the late unit was #3.  It was known to the buyer that TM#3 was having warranty work and agreed to wait a few days for Cointerrra to deliver. 

What we didnt know was how Cointerra would manage to mess up the the shipping. After sending clear instructions to Cointerrra not to send the repaired unit to me, they sent it too me anyways. Then I was informed that Cointerra could  redirect the package to the buyer. After a a few days delays with email, Cointerra informed me because it was international shipment it had to be shipped back to them and they would resend to the buyer.

At this point me and the buyer were still ok, but buyer wanted a refund on the original amount as the shipping was delayed. I was ok with that. 

What we didnt know was it would take Cointerrra over three weeks to get TM#3 sent back to there factory and redelivered to the right address.  This is where the negotiation process broke down.  The buyer was still interested in purchasing, but wanted a very large refund for the late delivery.

This is where we could not come to an agreement and negotiations were stalled.

But we have come to an agreement now and the escrow has been released

I have to clarify some numbers on spreadsheet with my programmer and will be sending out payment ASAP
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Coins To take seriously: on: August 13, 2014, 02:39:11 AM
if you look at  there are two Bitshares coins in top ten in market cap. Bitshares X and Bitshares PTS
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: BitShares IPO : get in if u r smart ! on: August 13, 2014, 02:29:48 AM
Imagine if Overstock were to use BTSX to sell its shares? crazy you say? read this
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Bitshares-PTS to double/triple in price in the next 45 days!!? on: August 13, 2014, 02:26:32 AM
heres another question, if you held protoshares but did not donate for angelshares did you get bitshares?

If you held them before the FEB 28 snapshot than YES.

Actually if you have PTS they will convert 1:1 Bitshares once the mining period for PTS is over

If you donated BTC or PTS to AGS fund you would receive BTSX shares for every PTS/AGS  you held before Feb 28th snapshot
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Official BitShares X support thread. [BTSX] on: August 13, 2014, 02:21:14 AM
If Overstock signs up for BTSX could be huge for I3
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: FollowMyVote // BitShares Vote on: August 13, 2014, 02:15:37 AM
This is really interesting, but obviously something like this is not going to get used for national political elections anytime even remotely soon. Its good to be ambitious, but do you have any smaller example use cases in mind?

managing GB's
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: DUAL snapshot for BitShares PTS! on: August 13, 2014, 02:13:57 AM
have a good stake already and buying more, especailly after reading this
20  Bitcoin / Group buys / Re: [GB]Terraminer IV #5, Coinsortium on: August 13, 2014, 01:19:09 AM
Also, Soniq/Larry, what is stopping you from releasing the mined bitcoin funds?

At first I wanted to make it all in one payent  to save costs, my programmer does not work for free. And I thought the sale of the miners would be much quicker than this.

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