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I certainly hope so. I need more coins. 
Very nice site. Hope it all goes well. Litecoin could certainly use the attention.
what are you doin?
I can't explain why, but this made me laugh way way harder than I think it should have.
Maybe a re-launch in 24 hours with pools properly set up and a Windows qt?
Maybe let it die. It's a failure. +1. Even if everything from here on out goes roses, apparently SOMEBODY premined a good bit. My vote goes towards letting this coin sink to the bottom of the pile.
On the bright side, the outcome of all of this made me lawl so hard that I almost turned inside out.
Dear Op
My name is unimportant, but i'd just like to say goodmorning and thank you very much for your efforts. We all appreciate it and look forward eagerly to the launch.
+1 +1 +2 *0 /0 Nooo! What have you DONE?!?
Awesome! Bookmarking. 
I'm not sure why the 'ethics' of this are being argued about. I mean, if ANYONE is trading, they are making an attempt at making gains off of other people's losses. How can they be upset if someone does the same thing to them?
B7Q9XJXd1NcAYVxJ6qQwxv7Vh1E7pfqmBT Thank you! 
CSFQZXtQACA3tSMa8vbajCL9iMpZYJCtwm Thanks! 
rKuTY87g--Kidding, kidding.
No, but seriously, these HAVE to be bots. I like to think that people aren't this stupid.
Might wanna edit that title a bit. 
Very helpful! Bookmarked.  I'm watching u OurSUBMARINEGo  Oh, this is gonna be great. Log on - check through post replies - a wild nemesis appears! You are a very attentive sworn enemy. 10/10 would arch again. 
No.  .7BTE. Lets see you beat THAT, Mr. Chariots of Gold. urhh, 1BTE lol just for amusement factor i think i'll bid... 1.00013331 BTE  Mr chariots of Brass!! or is it Bra's? I don't even have a bid, I just wanted to inform you that you have just become my official BitcoinTalk Arch Nemesis. I look forward to vilifying you in the future. 
No.  .7BTE. Lets see you beat THAT, Mr. Chariots of Gold.
Why would you give away something worth money, for something worth nothing?
Have a great day, and may every coin you own go up in value. I like that! That's a pretty cool greeting. It sounds sort of Elder Scrolls-ish. That being said, 'may you walk on warm sands, friend' ^_^
I'll make an opening bid at .5 BTE. 
Very helpful! Bookmarked. 