Did anyone else get email from masterXchange? I sure didn't. I did get email from the Safe Network around 18-Oct warning that masterXchange was closing but nothing from masterXchange. Better get your coin off masterXchange. I'm not sure what happens on Nov. 15th. I would hope they email you the private keys to your coins but you never know. many exchanges just keep the coins after they disappear.
You just need to withdraw your coin, no private key will be given.. Are you from masterXchange? You will probably have to get users their coins. Are you from the USA? You might go to jail if you keep the coins. What happens to the people who aren't paying attention or on a 2 month volunteer project helping starving children in Africa? He sent you an email telling the exchange is closing, seems fair to me. I don't believe he will be keeping users coins..
I get your drift but zerohedge is one of those sites where alternate and outside info gets to be read rather than the tired mainstream bullcrap that is being foisted upon the average person. Whether true or happening or not, this is a site that most average idiots could learn a few things from.
Indeed. But it has just as much of an agenda as any mainstream outlet and is just as keen to push angles where they're tenuous at best or purely don't exist. That don't sound like much of a 'true' news source to me. Since you seem to be capable in evaluating that, both in connection of Zio and ZH, you should read the one that gives you more inspiration and deepens your insight. What is Zio?
Yup... that is the hilarious part.... that bit is great.
The disturbing part is BLYTHE MASTERS!!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooo
I don't like the guy, but the greatest and foremost utopia that exists in crypto-world is that the current economic establishment's top boys will be left out of the way when there's massive adoption. Well; this won't happen! They know how the system works and -frankly- I think we need them around for they possess significant knowledge. On the other hand, bitcoin derivatives to my understanding is a high risk investment. To give it a perspective, it is like entrusting your Bitcoins to someone's hands who was involved in the MtGox story... Yeah; I know. Some people would do it again...  Blythe is a woman (but she was once married to Daniel Masters of Royal Dutch Shell/Salomon fame who was involved in developing energy gas/crude markets, who incidentally now is part of GABI) Blythe is a scary woman. Ask any silver trader  (given her past track record, think derivatives and manipulation) (oh and also over leveraging and swaps) (ps oh and also, the idea I hope is to create a system that is better, and certainly more transparent than the system we already have, "they" may know how it works alright, but it is "their" games that is one of the main driving reasons we need a new system) Zerohedge seems to agree with you. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-10/bitcoin-default-swaps-blythe-masters-joins-bitcoin-startup
And then a massive dump ensues.
Can we translate that into Latin? I'd like to have it chisled in marble atop the first Bitcoin bank.... Edit: Done: Et tunc sequitur ingens tuber E plurubus dump 'em
More on Adam Guerbuez's background: here
Is Factom still planning to use Omni/Master Protocol?
My understanding is that Mastercoins are in the bitcoin blockchain so nobody can take them (without your private keys) and nobody outside of MaidSafe can prevent MaidSafeCoins being converted to SafeCoins at which point there will be no connection whatsoever between MaidSafe and Mastercoin.
Max Cleland is a former US senator who served on the 9/11 commission: quote from wikipedia: he was quoted as saying in November 2003: "I... cannot look any American in the eye, especially family members of victims, and say the commission had full access. This investigation is now compromised."[20] He called the 9/11 Commission a "national scandal." [21][22]On the other hand you have structural engineers and architects and like Richard Gage putting their reputations on the line with peer-reviewed articles on the subject. Richard Gage was interviewed on CSPAN earlier this month. ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtGhjzI9rw4
There's no option to vote if you know who did 9/11 but don't know if TA works. 
The U.S. demolished WTC 1, 2 and 7, blaming it on ragheads
This nutty conspiracy theory that the fall of the WTC was an inside job doesn't wash, Risto. Passenger airliners flying out of Boston hit the towers. Those buildings were 110 storeys tall. The entire mass of those buildings pancaked straight down. It's kind of surprising they only took one other building with them. You remind me of an Egyptian friend I knew many years. He came up to me and said, you know they warned all the Jews before the buildings fell down, right? Abysmal. I've been living in New York City since 1981. I've heard enough ridiculous statements from ignorant people. You mean nutty conspiracy fact. http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/odigo_9-11_warning.htmlThere are many, many other nutty conspiracy facts about the destruction of the world trade center complex (more than 3 buildings in fact), but we should all be ashamed of ourselves for allowing Risto to lead us off-topic. An architect named Richard Gage was on CSPAN just this month. He said that most structural engineers (as is the case with the general public) have not heard about what happened at building 7 on 9/11. But when they (the engineers) do find out about it they overwhelmingly agree with him that only a controlled demolition could have caused the collapse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtGhjzI9rw4
stuck at 660. number of the bees?
 The number of the beast is 666 not 660. Bees? 
mastercoin foundation burn rate.....
1/1/2014 4431 btc 5/1/2014 3298 btc
4 months 1133 btc = 283 btc per month 3298/283 = 11.65 months from 5/1/2014
My calculation the foundation will be out of btc on April 20th 2015.
Most of the btc was spend when it's value was considerably higher then it is now. The only thing that can save the foundation from bankruptcy early next year, is another 500% increase in btc's value.
If btc's value had stayed the same as it was during the ipo, the mastercoin foundation would have been broke months ago.
@hmmmstrange, There used to be a spreadsheet online showing all the foundation's assets and expenditures. Was that your source? Also, aren't there dev mastercoin still held by the foundation?
@MrBig, They've been at this since around 2007 and Moore's Law has worked as expected. I would think cost is the least of their worries.
Hi there I got a few questions about safecoin.
I was reading about it and what I understand so far is that it's proof-of-resource, so basically farmers gain coins by providing storage and processing power on the network for the benefit of other people. Now bitcoin is proof-of-work, so the miners get a percentage of the coins based on how much work they contribute. As we know, the value of bitcoin goes up and down due to speculators and other reasons. When the value dips a lot and mining isn't profitable, people start taking their miners offline reducing the total hashing power.
Now let's compare this to the proof-of-resource model, say safecoin has 1000 terabytes of cloud storage and the price drops to a point where it's not profitable to keep farming machines running so many take them offline. Now let's say that 950 terabytes of storage was being used to store data, but after a lot of farmers went offline there's only 750 terabytes available. What would happen to the excess data? Is a scenario like this possible? I'm still trying to understand this whole concept as it does seem a little confusing.
Also are 51% attacks a possibility on proof-of-resource networks? It would seem a lot easier for a giant corporation to gain 51% of the network I guess.
Can someone with more knowledge give their insight please?
Bump, any insight would be helpful, thanks. I believe that having 51% of the storage/cpu/bandwidth resources would give you 51% of the farming income. Although I don't see how that would allow you to double-spend safecoins or mess with other people's data. It is not mentioned as an attack vector in this topic: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/maidsafe-development/fFY34cKXIMsIf I understand your first question, the network would need to have enough redundancy to handle a certain percentage of farmers going offline. Each shard of data would be stored on a large number of nodes. Caveat: Just my thoughts after reading the white paper a few weeks ago and having forgotten most of it. https://github.com/maidsafe/Whitepapers/blob/master/Project-Safe.md
Sorry for interrupting the discussion with an unrelated question regarding the masterchain.info-wallet (I didn't know where else to post; couldn't register at mastercointalk because never received the confirmation e-mail):
I've tried to use the masterchain.info-wallet for the first time to sell 1.0 MSC on the distributed exchange. However I do not succeed with this task, because I'm unable to verify my sender address which is needed to create a sell offer. When I click "verify" after entering my seller address (which is exactly the one on which I've received the MSC earlier) I always get the following error "no pubkey on blockchain. use wallet or supply Public Key from brainwallet.org".
The same problem occurs when trying to send MSC.
What am I supposed to do to get this working? What kind of public key is needed?
Thank you for any help you can offer.
"There have been reports on problems with addresses without public key on the blockchain - If you add the address to an empty wallet using the private key option, they should be resolved." ... above quote from Grazcoin post at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583370.0 under " Known issues:"