If you want to waste precious time of course you can buy for November. We are offering equipment already for September and October. Regards Who cares if you buy it now or wait until November. There is no precious time, a L3 doesn't produce very much per day any more. You need to do the math on your ridiculous prices before you try to make these bullshit claims.
you will mine and counting the money flowing.  Thank You You charge over $4000 for a L3+ that makes less than $15/day mining!? you will mine and counting the money tears flowing. 
It seems like the days of scalping a L3+ for huge profits sort of hit a brick wall  It makes sense though, Bitmain cranked them out like fidget spinners and now the daily return on one of these isn't that great. To be fair though OP, they're still going for around your asking price on e-bay. I'd try to knock it out before the next 10 batches are released and buyers start doing the math...
Possible reasons? - Nobody knows
- Nobody cares
- Kimoto returned from his spacecraft and visited btc38
The problem with Megacoin has always been "Nobody knows". Virtually every coin is driven by speculation, but Megacoin fans have always needed an extra measure of faith. I really miss those early days when the impossible seemed inevitable. I totally agree. The one thing I'm trying to understand is...........why won't this coin just die? After being abandoned by kimoto, it was worthless for a long period of time. It was then axed from Bittrex due to low trading volume. It remained worthless for a very long time. Suddenly, it springs back to life on its main exchange despite the state of abandonment. Pretty amazing given the circumstances, would love to understand why.
Possible reasons? - Nobody knows
- Nobody cares
- Kimoto returned from his spacecraft and visited btc38
I can't remember, who is actually holding the private key for the dev fund address? Seems like there is enough value present in the dev fund to attract would-be developers, although it seems like it's actually BTC38's coin at this point and whatever they want to do with it will probably be the law of the land. For the sake of history and speculation, I'll even guess that kimoto and BTC38 have had some talks. Any other guesses on why MEC miraculously went from nill to 2+ CNY? http://www.btc38.com/trade.html?btc38_trade_coin_name=MEC
MEC price is up over 2000% in 3 months. I don't believe in coincidence. 
Hi guys!
So I sent a transaction last night before my wallet fully synced.
Turns out after examination of the explorer for my wallet address that it was for more than I had available (but the amount that showed in the wallet at the time) so now seems to be stuck in limbo with no confirmations. Is there anything I can do to reverse this transaction and start again? If anyone can help at all that would be amazing!!
The TX id is: ffdcb7d827149ea2ce6b5939709312ce9c2d9d527f4e91c980675e6af75153a2-000 The receiving wallet is: MMzzEE4E81aydiWZkZ7JYDRjuQx7BSwFs9 The sending wallet is: MKYwj7LzzEtRx3VFRzB4aHFhbKPUfm2ZKu
I am on a Mac.
The transaction is still not visible on the block explorers so I think it is just a problem within my client. I have re-installed etc but it is still there, Any ideas on how to delete this transaction from my wallet so I have access to these coins again? unfortunately the things I would do on a btc client don't work (probably obvious but it was worth a try) Thanks This might work. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=35214.0
well there are certainly some stashes out there that are beginning to be worth a considerable amount of money now.
Volume has been steadily increasing along with the price.
Just while I was playing a game of online risk tonight the price went up by 3 cents, back in the top 100... market cvap over 4 million dollars and top 30 in trade volume...
Not bad. If only my wallet would bloody sync.
Might have to get a Mac lol
Definitely some interesting developments. It figures since I recently lost another large chunk of MEC when my phone got zapped (didn't have it backed up). Did you save the phone? Seems like there might be a fair chance of recovering the contents of its internal storage. There is a guy in this forum, username "lightfoot" who I swear could probably fix anything you can plug into a power source. I'm still using the same phone, but it was overwritten with a newer ROM. At the time I thought I had backed up the wallet to a micro SD card, but it turns out the card was used for something else. It figures it would happen just before a price jump. At least I'm doing my part to make Megacoin more rare.  Guess I lost faith that the price would recover, so I kept a very large amount of coins on my phone. Hard to believe BTC38 now controls better than 99% of Megacoin volume. This may be something you are already aware of, but if you've got the storage device that the wallet used to reside on (overwritten, or not) - there is good chance your wallet file is still there. Think "undelete" back from the old MSDOS days. Maybe that isn't an option, but I'm certainly holding out hope you get your MEC back. The BTC38 thing does not surprise me at all, in fact that is the only reason this coin isn't burning in a dumpster somewhere in China 
well there are certainly some stashes out there that are beginning to be worth a considerable amount of money now.
Volume has been steadily increasing along with the price.
Just while I was playing a game of online risk tonight the price went up by 3 cents, back in the top 100... market cvap over 4 million dollars and top 30 in trade volume...
Not bad. If only my wallet would bloody sync.
Might have to get a Mac lol
Definitely some interesting developments. It figures since I recently lost another large chunk of MEC when my phone got zapped (didn't have it backed up). Did you save the phone? Seems like there might be a fair chance of recovering the contents of its internal storage. There is a guy in this forum, username "lightfoot" who I swear could probably fix anything you can plug into a power source.
That being said, I have followed MEC for years, and am all for kimoto coming forward to at least allow MEC development and progress to happen.
I am 100% sure that he is actually still reading this thread.
If you look at the exchange, sure China is buying up every dead coin known to man at the moment.
If you look at MEC's blockchain however, there is not a lot of MEC being sent from wallet to wallet.
So yes, there are "reasons" the price is up, but probably not why you think.
with the low value attatched to MegaCoin why the hell would you even bother to spend it? If you remotely believe MegaCoin will have a resurgence then trading at these prices is robbing yourself. I think that's a major problem for a lot of old coins. Valuations drop on a loss of investor confidence then the trading volume drops because those who believe it might comeback refuse to dump at low prices or for a loss. If some people with deep pockets figure this out they can go buy up the available supply on 'dead' or 'hibernating' coins and breathe life into the market at an extreme profit. I believe has been happening and will continue. I do not believe there is a resurgence at all. The handful of old dead coins that recently skyrocketed all have one thing in common, they trade almost exclusively on btc38.com So my thinking is that the "deep pockets" are not buying MEC and the others because they fans of the coins themselves. Something else is going on.
If you look at the exchange, sure China is buying up every dead coin known to man at the moment.
If you look at MEC's blockchain however, there is not a lot of MEC being sent from wallet to wallet.
So yes, there are "reasons" the price is up, but probably not why you think.
It's unfortunate that kimoto removed himself from MEC, without turning over the github credentials to other trusted developers.
This coin has suffered a devastating blow due to a single point of failure.
I offered equipment for sale there was a flood of responses so the demand for it was there, the prices I set where of my own choice. People who weren't interested in buying but only to flame my thread about price set Natty off on his rant. In that time I identified there was no real buyers offering anything remotely realistic to buy. So during that time I secured a new home for our farm and I am now buying up all the titan cubes I can get my hands on.
Yes, everyone who sent an inquiry to you and the zero people that ended up buying are all unrealistic and wrong. We've definitely covered this subject, I remember it well. I do have a serious question for you, how long are you planning on throwing the tantrum about nobody agreeing with your titan asking price? I think you guys could get back to happy bitcointalk land a lot quicker once you come to terms with the reality of the whole thing, and by the way congratulations on the continued scrypt mining.
Shark, Give me your BTC or LTC address. I'm going to hit you off with some coin for literally doing nothing.
I certainly won't dispute the fact that you're track record paints you as generous, in spite of the titan fiasco and other blunders that truly have kept several of us entertained to say the least. If you would, maybe save whatever amount of coins for your next giveaway.
Gay bash? I voted for gay marriage in my state. No bullshit, I thought you were a girl. Apologies.
Yeah, I realize that We may only get $3500 for 500MHS in June, thus an opportunity cost may be lost. But Well mine about 2000 coins in that time...so is it a loss???
I think you've backpedaled so much you flat out broke the bike.