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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Hackers demand $3m bitcoin ransom from hospital to unlock vital files on: February 18, 2016, 03:46:16 AM

Hackers, please demand $10.0 million in US dollars OR $3.0 million in BTC.

This way, BTC saves this hospital $7.0 million. Bitcoin saving lives and money.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Hackers demand $3m bitcoin ransom from hospital to unlock vital files on: February 18, 2016, 03:16:14 AM

On a related note, there is an IT opening in a Los Angeles hospital. Inquire within.

3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Banks Are Finally Openly Fighting Bitcoin In Australia And USA on: January 10, 2016, 02:07:34 PM

Taking your stuff without warning or trial? What a wonderful product these banks have! Where do I sign up?

The regulations are killing the banks, not bitcoin.
4  Other / Off-topic / Re: 10 Million powerball entries on: January 10, 2016, 11:33:39 AM
Winning numbers: 16,19,32,34,57 [13]

I did not produce a winner.

I hit 5+0 (would have won $1 million) 2 times. Expected 0.856
I hit 4+1 ($50k each) 12 times. expected 21.9

Not the best way to spend $20,000,000

link to picks (66 MB):

sha256 of that file is the private key of 0.0001 btc if anyone wants to sweep it

i'm sending timk 10,000 satoshis
5  Other / Off-topic / Re: 10 Million powerball entries on: January 09, 2016, 04:47:49 PM
what the heck... I'll bet even money that one of my 10 million entries hits to the next 25 people who post an address (and those posted already can participate). 10,000 satoshis (0.0001 btc)

Honor system - if you lose send 10k satoshis to: 121Mc4f3sqZkM23Zy25tNMfKpKXG8AZykW
I'll send 0.0001 to the address you post.

6  Other / Off-topic / Re: 10 Million powerball entries on: January 09, 2016, 04:35:22 PM
Got myself 3 tickets would love to win this and quit working forever,

Good luck to all that entered best wishes and dont forget to share Cheesy

good luck!
7  Other / Off-topic / Re: 10 Million powerball entries on: January 09, 2016, 04:34:32 PM
Ok, I will make you a bet now.  If one of your numbers wins the jackpot, I will send you 10,000 satoshis.  If you don't match the winning combination, you send me 10,000 satoshis.


But how am I gonna know of one of your numbers won or lost?  I'm not going to take the time to check all your numbers.

Deal. You got even money on 10k satoshis. If you win, however, all you get is a PM with the private key.

how to know: I'll post the file, and will post a bounty to the first person that proves my analysis is incorrect.
8  Other / Off-topic / Re: 10 Million powerball entries on: January 09, 2016, 03:11:43 PM
proves $20,000,000 in tickets still doesn't get a decent chance at the powerball jackpot. But if I 'win', will be cool to see I had the numbers beforehand.

overall, its a stupid idea, hence the OT category.
9  Other / Off-topic / 10 Million powerball entries on: January 09, 2016, 02:37:42 PM
I created 10 million powerball entries for tonight's drawing and put them in a file. The sha256 of that file is the private key to 1rn4UCAmX5vK4JdRtEZr84EPiBX8nzVoj, which I deposited 0.0001 btc as proof the file existed before the drawing.

I'll check my numbers and release the private key if I win (along with file location for proof).

Odds: 292 million to 1, so I'm still a huge underdog.

10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: Siacoin Trading Thread on: August 01, 2015, 07:40:33 PM
I'd like to pay 0.150 btc per million siacoin. No escrow, and you would have to send first. I'll do blocks of 250k to limit risk.

Looking to buy 10-20 million in total. PM please
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Currency has been released on: July 31, 2015, 05:28:17 AM

I'm having trouble announcing with the ports. I saw some discussion about it pg 45, is it not working in windows ATM?

* Router is correctly setup to forward 9981-9982, TCP+UDP to my machine's adapter. Portchecker verifies those ports are open.
* windows: I have windows firewall off, but I threw in the ports as an incoming rule anyway, and siad is on the allow list. no other firewalls.
* turned off avast antivirus just to be sure.
* I now have 10 peers, so no connection issue.

12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Golden Ratio Attack. Blocks more than half full lead to mining monopoly. on: July 16, 2015, 01:27:03 PM
A pool with 30% of mining power may have an incentive to do this. But increasing fees means the pool with a 10% share increases its revenue without doing any work. So, in an ironic twist, this should prevent a monopoly forming? Its better to be the 2nd biggest mining operation, and let #1 push up the fees.

but there are no pool with more than 17-18% for now, so how can they do this attack? are the pool working together to do this and then split the profit?

if this is the case, this is really a miners's monopoly, chinese miners working together to screw bitcoin is an understimated issue, they can also perform a 51% if there will be a real reason to do it

higher fees means more miners. These new miners do not want to be part of the "monopoly", but do want monopoly prices.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Golden Ratio Attack. Blocks more than half full lead to mining monopoly. on: July 16, 2015, 01:14:49 PM
A pool with 30% of mining power may have an incentive to do this. But increasing fees means the pool with a 10% share increases its revenue without doing any work. So, in an ironic twist, this should prevent a monopoly forming? Its better to be the 2nd biggest mining operation, and let #1 push up the fees.
14  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2015-04-07] MarketWatch: Rand Paul taking bitcoin donations on: April 08, 2015, 04:38:27 PM
Donated. God speed
15  Economy / Gambling / Searching for NCAA Men's Perfect Bracket. 3.000 BTC in prizes. on: March 08, 2015, 04:52:37 PM

I'd like to host the first NCAA pool with a contestant that has a perfect entry. The amount of entries needed should be in the hundreds of billions. Here are the details as to how I am trying to make it work.

Would you participate? Way too complicated? Advice on how it could be done better? For those unfamiliar, google "Perfect NCAA Bracket" or something similar.

* I want to make history by hosting the first pool that has a contestant enter a perfect NCAA Men's basketball bracket.
* It should easily be the largest NCAA pool in history
* Last year Warren Buffet offered $1.0 Billion for a perfect bracket, and no one made it out of the first round.

Incentives and cost:
* I'm putting up 2.000 BTC as an incentive for a perfect bracket (12yoo2eYjBLoqxqGw1BCM3BJ7uox4TT4hc)
* I'm putting up an additional 1.000 BTC to split among all entries that go the farthest (by round, must be perfect after first 2 rounds to qualify)
* Cost to enter is 0.0001 BTC for 1 billion entries (100,000 entries per satoshi). Paying 0.0001 BTC for 1 billion entries ensures random entries are economic losers.

What you win:
* Private key to 12yoo2eYjBLoqxqGw1BCM3BJ7uox4TT4hc. This private key will unlock all entry fees as well, as they are a "child" of this address.
* Furthest in tournament bonus.
* All media attention to being the first one to ever produce a perfect bracket!

How to enter:
* I can't host a website with 10+ billion entries
* Create a .txt file in very specific format with up to ~20 million entries on your own computer (file must be less than 250 MB compressed)
* Using EC math, prove this file exists by sending at least 1 satoshi per 100,000 entries to the public key of 12yoo2eYjBLoqxqGw1BCM3BJ7uox4TT4hc + sha256 checksum of file.
* I'll pay for the first few billion entries, just post checksum and how many entries are in it. Please no random files.
* post your checksums and transactions as well as how many entries

To claim a prize:
* entry filesize must be be less than 250MB (compressed). This is about 20,000,000 entries
* entries must be paid in full (100,000 entries for 1 satoshi)
* SHA256 of file must be sent to a specific address, and must have 1 confirm in the blockchain by tipoff on March 19th (approximately 11:00am ET)
* MUST POST any live entries 24 hours before the start of Sweet 16 games (March 26th). The whole point of this is the fun of hitting a perfect bracket in a pool for the first time.
* MUST MAKE AVAILABLE for public download your picks.txt file for verification of checksum 24 hours before tipoff on April 4th.
* May be asked to post bounty before I start downloading GBs of data.
* multiple winners will split the pot.
* no winners means it will roll over to 2016

The FORMAT of your .txt
* hex representation of the first 60 games (000000000000000 - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
* Final 3 games are "E,W,S,M"
* Standard bracket (1v16, 8v9, 5v12, 4v13, 6v11, 3v14, 7v10, 2v15)
* Working down, assign '1' for top team victory, and '0' for bottom
* East round 1 (00-FF)
* West round 1 (00-FF)
* South round 1 (00-FF)
* MidWest round 1 (00-FF)
* East round 2 (0-F)
* West round 2 (0-F)
* South round 2 (0-F)
* MidWest round 2 (0-F)
* East round 3 and West round 3 (0-F)
* South round 3 and Midwest round 3 (0-F)
* East round 4, West round 4, South round 4, Midwest round 4 (true/false) (0-F)
* round 5 participant (E, W, S, M)
* round 5 participant (E, W, S, M)

Using 2014 as an example, the perfect bracket was:

The 2013 tournament perfect bracket was:
9F89F6DF828C66FMSM (or 9F89F6DF828C66FSMM)

How to calculate the address to send to:
* the public key to 12yoo2eYjBLoqxqGw1BCM3BJ7uox4TT4hc is...
>>> 0454F43C007F5CFB3BD991FFABE00CC93B94DC93160E474821DD82869BA070CA2A9A51A58986D42 02B887B9E5449A0D47F9CA97FB7399A0FA05CA134329A2F64F3
* if the sha256 of your file is: BD510018E0510F136F0DE9C299E811432895B2615A2F4B82F60163C55F2CF98F
* using, combine these two in "vanity wallet" to get: 18X4c1R8ueziGCENuxTxJPHiSFbHnaxZYn
* Once in the blockchain, your entry is valid for prizes!
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Could Time Travel Kill Bitcoin? on: February 15, 2015, 09:03:18 PM

I went back in time and gave you bitcoin. You don't want to know the alternative.

You're welcome
17  Other / Politics & Society / Re: no, you may not have your gold back on: August 16, 2014, 10:46:35 AM

Gold is fungible. The Federal reserve and German central bank can make a sweetheart deal for $30B in USD rather than the 670 tonnes of gold. With this money, Germany purchases gold from other sources (locally). Once complete, Germany announces a successful swap.

This way, the Federal reserve can continue to lease out over 100% of their reserves. It works every time until it doesn't.
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How to keep your bitcoins secure if you suddenly disappear (jail or prison) on: August 14, 2014, 11:02:24 AM

I thought about creating a service, like boomerang for gmail: Person signs a transaction from A->B, but doesn't broadcast it. My server will broadcast the transaction only if you don't check in for the last 30 days. If you get thrown in jail (or die), no one would suspect that transaction is yours.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Make a transaction that cannot be spent in X years on: August 05, 2014, 07:07:47 PM
What would the purpose of this type of time delay be?

A will? An inheritance? These are the only that come to mind at the moment.

It does seem like it would be better to handle the delivery of the funds yourself. Rather than keeping the funds locked up, they are in your possession until they need to be sent. If some unforeseen event happens, the funds can be accessed.

I helped create LBAAT along with nelisky.

One use I envisioned was similar to captcha. You provably send bitcoins to YOURSELF as a way to prevent spamming a site. The site can verify that you sent $5 worth of bitcoins to an address that can not be redeemed for X days. Once the private key was released, you sweep the coins back into your wallet.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Make a transaction that cannot be spent in X years on: August 05, 2014, 06:53:23 PM releases a private key every hour, called a "timepoint secret". The timepoint secret keys are connected - the hash of next hour's private key is this hour's private key. By requesting a public key in the future, you can combine it with your own private key to create an address with no known private key. When lbaat releases the timepoint, it can be combined with your personal private key to release the coins.

lbaat has no way of stealing the coins.

...and its my site  Grin

How can you know the public key associated with a private key that is unknown until a certain time in the future?

Best regards,

lbaat will give the public key upon request. You combine this with your private key to get a 3rd public key (private key is unknown).
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