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you are right dudes. what the two above me said.
Das sowieso, ich finde solche Dealerei viel besser als die auf der Strasse praktiziert wird. Die Dealer dort tendieren eher dazu, sich zu spezialisieren und mehr Ahnung von ihrem Zeug zu haben/weniger zu strecken. Auf der Strasse gibts nen Haufen kids, die einfach irgendnen Mist zum Strecken reinkippen und noch dazu keine Ahnung haben, ob das, was sie verkaufen jetzt Ketamin oder Methamphetamin ist usw. greets, M
I'd just like to have the complete design open source, i.e. that I can produce my own chips with enough money. I think this is what we will have in the end and certainly need as well to keep a dezentralized currency. Greets, M
kann schon sein, funktioniert aber super. solange genug leute pro silkroad sind, ist das alles okay. ausserdem könnten auch die geheimdienste von dingen wie bitcoin profitieren.
New Batch of registrations for Silk Road in stock. well, if anyone, silkroad should sell these. also, "batch", what the fuck, man.
well, is it really a call for investors? There would need to be some hardware guys with a reputation or an escrow service. they see cash, they start to develop. asic is done, op tells it is done. people set up a pledge if it is released, he releases it and receives the pledge. sounds like a neat idea, doesn't it? greets, m
Well, I had the same idea but am not a well web coding guy, so I am glad that you did it. I will now, as a test first but probably going on like this (just not if you make prices really fancy), trade my bitcoins for that price (plus mtgox+exchange fees...) greets, M
I still would think the very best Idea would be to open source the layout and design in the first place. If you want to produce them as well, go on, people who are not able to produce their own will buy yours. So why don't just go both ways? Greets, M
Ehm, are you sure the shares are recorded still? I don't want to waste all my mining power if I dont see any btc. Also, do you know more about the DDoS now and has it fully stopped? Greets, M
you really rise the urge to puke in me, lads greets, M
ich habs schon in einem andern Topic dazu geschrieben und werde es beliebig oft wieder tun. Ich kann btcLeger nur zustimmen. Wenn man schon ein solches Topic eröffnet, ist man eigentlich mit größter Warscheihnlichkeit irgendwie komisch oder so  Ich kann euch sagen, dass Silkroad nicht allzu lange durchhält, aber andre solche Treffpunkte es mit Sicherheit tun und es derartiges immer geben wird, solange es Bitcoins gibt. Das ist auch gut so. Lasst ma nicht so den Fascho raushängen, das zeigt nur, dass ihr hier was nicht kapiert habt. Gruß, TA
Seid ihr breit oder was? Silkroad hacken? Man man man... echt hart auf was für Ideen die kids hier kommen, wird das jetzt noch schlimmer mit steigender Popularität? erstens mal ist Silkroad einfach nur ein proof-of-concept, genau so war Bitcoin gedacht. Cryptocurrency that is. Ist euch auch schonmal in den Sinn gekommen, dass auch nicht jeder euer Unrechtsbewusstsein teilt? Ich spreche mich für die Existenz solcher Seiten aus. Dass solche Trottel wie der von Gawker usw. Bitcoin=Silkroad propagieren, ist einzig und allein dere Schuld und die ihrer unbedarften Leserschaft: Da sie vermutlich zu dämlich/faul sind, Bitcoins zu kapieren, reduzieren sie es auf das, was sie kapieren: ILLEGALE DINGE DAMIT MACHEN OMG wenn Bitcoins an so etwas wie der Existenz von Silkroad scheitern können, dann hatten sie nie eine Chance als Währung. Dann kommt noch dazu, dass es zwecklos wäre, denn Silkroad ist nicht die einzige Möglichkeit für derartige Machenschaften, ganz im Gegenteil. Ganz abgesehen davon ist der OP sowieso vermutlich eher dämlich, weil er den Hidden Service DDoSen will. Diese Diskussion gibts übrigens auch im marketplace-forum, diskutiert doch mal da, da kommt wenigstens was bei rum. gruß, M
edit: btcLeger, donation ist aufm weg. kannst du bitte weiter diesen Menschen ihre Fehler aufzeigen? Vielen dank!
I'd just want to add that the search of private property without a warrant is something most police forces in the world can do. The thing is, they need a warrant to search, EXCEPT there is a reasonable danger that evidence will be lost if they wait for a warrant. now, if they search your stuff and find some contraband, they can claim that apparently the search was justified and thus get away most likely, while you are fucked. on the other hand, if they don't find anything, you have a real chance to see money and such as a compensation, though it is ridiculous in the most cases and the chance not always given. the bottom line is, if they know you have hidden and forbidden stuff in there they can just go and bust you right away. true story, applies for most countries. greets, M
I would really like people to don't spam this thread; i am sure silkroad will come back in a few days and if it doesn't, we'll find a solution. also, would you mind to not advertise any sites (alternatives, ovdb, etc) until it is confirmed that silkroad faded fully away? because what was the problem for silkroad where all the kids and such that came from now, if you write all the alternatives and such over here, they will just come over there as well. nothing against publicity, but please keep it on a reasonable level so that really interested people only come. greets. m
seriously, how could you doubt that seriously that silkroad is something good? It's easy, the connotation of bitcoin and silkroad is the media's fault but won't do any harm. I fully agree with marcus and CoinMonster. In fact, I suspect the media to only focus on the silkroad-aspect of bitcoin because they or their readers are not capable of realizing what bitcoin really is and especially how it works. as they do not get this, the existance of a market like silkroad is the only thing they can write about which rises attention among the readers. easy enough. greets, m
I'm trying to convince to accept bitcoins as a payment. It's a widely known smartshop in the EU. I'd really love to shop there via bitcoin  Greets, M
Hey Guys, I am looking to buy Bitcoins OR mtgoxUSD for Euros on PayPal. The exchange fees charged for directly funding mtgox are too high for me, I'm not willing to pay a fee beyond 3.5% in total. Also, I don't look to buy large amounts, rather like 20-30 Bitcoins (and likely more in the following weeks). Anyone interested? Greets 
Well, I'd send it in like 3 envelopes disguised with some layers of aluminum foil. The ammunition should be multiple times vac sealed. I guess that'd work. Greets, M
Allthough I'd really not like to see any kidneys and slaves on silkroad, I don't see a point in disallowing fake ID's and passports. Also, I think weapons should be sold (as long as they aren't weapons of mass destruction and stuff like napalm and agent orange). Things like pistols, knifes and such I'd like to see. Also, I would like to tell that fraud CC's aren't really harming the single person who owns the CC, but rather the CC company as most of them give you back your stolen money. Friend of mine just got stolen 2400€ via his CC and he got it all back pretty easy (sic!) Greets, M
Well, I can't view the site with TOR or tor2web. Also a restart of TOR did not help. Any advice? Greets!