Tagcoin is PoW / PoS coin, paying a dividend of 5% per year on coin balances that are older than 30 days, earned by opening the wallet to the outside world (which helps keep Tagcoin stable).
Blockchain bootstrap file for faster initial sync: http://downloads.truckcoin.net/trkbootstrap.tar.gz (updated March 06, 2016) Unpack to Truckcoin data directory (where wallet.dat is) and start the wallet.
The only people I am supposed to surrender control of a quarter-million dollars of ARK funds to is either another previously designated escrow agent or directly to a refund requester From an escrow standpoint.
There are 5,371,282 outstanding SIGWONET and SIGFARM tokens. Current token holders start out at a 1:1 swap rate when swapping in either token. In the event the ICO is not fully funded and some of the Darcrus tokens are burned, the percentage of the amount burned will be subtracted from the swap.