#Authentication Telegram Bounty Telegram Username: @cok_elat
I think adjusting the income we have with the expenses we plan is the most important thing, therefore the priority scale is the first and the main thing that needs to be planned
hodl it, you will get so much benefit in the future. if the bitcoin block is getting thinner, then the price of bitcoin will be more expensive because there are only fewer available bitcoin supply
I think if mining with limited mining tools will only make you lose because the return we will get will be difficult to cover the capital we spend
if there is an increase in bitcoin prices like today, you need to be careful because you still haven't experienced a breakout, don't rush to make a decision to buy or sell it
hey bro, do you forget that the paper used to make cash money is made from wood, whether the cutting of trees isn't included the destruction of natural resources too, I think electricity is easier to obtain without destructing natural resources, solar cells and wind for example
indeed people who are really desperate will win, but also don't be too crazy, adjust to the needs, don't get in all the money to be invested, fulfill the needs first, then invest the remaining money
only the pessimists say that now bitcoin is dying and will die soon, just look what will happen to them when bitcoin rises drastically, what they will say
what will happen if this manipulation continues? Will it have an impact on reducing the level of confidence in the cryptocurrency so that many parties will leave it?
why we must register on QUOINE Exchange and become a verified member? is this token has been listed on QUOINE?
i think there are no one cryptocurrencies that have price stability, all crypto have very high fluctuation. but, in my opinion, doge coin is very stable coin among others
I think bitcoin will make easier trading between countries, because payments will be faster and have a small fee. so, the transaction will be more efficient
with bounty campaign you can, but for earn thousands dollars is too little possible. you can collect the rewards from bounty to get thousand dollar
saya pikir tidak mustahil jika rupiah dijadikan ke dalam bentuk digital, namun untuk crypto masih belum bisa karena peredaran rupiah masih di monopoli oleh Bank Indonesia, padahal cryptocurrency bersifat desentralis
gimana nih perkembangan dari bitjob, kenapa gak ada progres sama sekali sampai saat ini, apakah proyek ini tetap berjalan dalam roadmapnya atau sudah berakhir?
Hello Guys I think, that will a BTC in next one or two months going down but, no so much, and then coming next jump. But this time, I think it will take longer and maybe will come also a new record resault. I will appreciate an expert comment.
I do not think so, I believe the bitcoin price will continue to fall further in 2018 and it will take a very long time to grow as strong as 2017. You can see that the price of bitcoin after a slight recovery is falling very strongly, but the price of altcoin is also very strong decline in recent times. The whole market is falling into crisis and it is difficult to recover. but i'm still optimist that bitcoin will jump more than on the last month 2018, 4 months is a possible time to turn things around.
I think altcoins that will survive are altcoins whose use is still needed. so to stay alive, an altcoin must perfectly apply the platform. if it has the same platform base, the project must have advantages over its competitors
Yes, right, maybe this is the reason why many parties refuse crypto. It would be dangerous for a country if the country makes crypto as a currency, if crypto is very easy to manipulate, then a country that embraces crypto will be easily controlled by the evil mafia mafia.
I agree with you, indeed the decentralized system of bitcoin makes freedom, so that someone who has more capital will be very powerful and very easy to manipulate prices
I prefer to choose the increasing volume of dollars, because if the volume of dollars increases with the same amount of bitcoin, indicates that bitcoin is getting more expensive