There will always be the chance that an account has been banned multiple times in the past. The best course of action if you wish to buy an account would only to buy from a reputable seller, to specify in the escrow agreement that the post history should meet a certain high criteria (obviously this would entail using escrow) and to put sufficient effort into your posts once you start posting from your account so that it does not matter if the account has been banned in the past (because the future posts would not warrant a new ban)
got it . I really wants to buy sr like accounts from you but your rates are very high so i have to trust some newbies by paying first and thanks god never got scammed . there are no seller i found reputable .
You are right, it is very rare to find a reputable account seller. There are
some people who want to make it very discouraging for people to sell accounts publicly and as a result they only sell for a short period (and as a result cannot ever become reputable).
@Quick you say that your account`s never banned . i will pm you for lower rate`s
I am no longer selling accounts, however if I was then I would be (as I was previously) sell for a higher rate because of the high post quality and the lack of ban history of what I previously sold