Hey guys,
I'm willing to sell my 290x Tri-X. I'm at work and it's in the computer at home so I don't have any pics of it, but it was used for mining LTC but only for a few days because I got it when all of the ASIC's started popping up and I figured I'd rather just keep the video card for gaming instead of using it for mining with the difficulty shooting up so fast. Here's a link to newegg of the product
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202079&cm_re=tri-x_290x-_-14-202-079-_-ProductAlso, I haven't been gaming as much lately and even when I was, it wasn't anything that hardcore, mainly BF4 and some Titanfall for a little bit, but on a 1080p monitor and even then wasn't too much going on with it.
I still have the original box packed away too, it's 100% fully functional and I want to see what kind of offers I could get out there. I'm willing to do escrow as long as the buyer pays for it. I can start PMing some of the legendary folks that are the typical escrow handlers and see if they can set it up for us or if you are willing to do that, that is fine too. Willing to ship anywhere in the US.
Thanks in advanced everyone!