I made today the update to bitcoin from the 0.9.3 version.
My wallet is encrypted and I use Ubuntu 14.04.
When I entered the passphrase to make a transaction, Bitcoin-Qt 0.10.2 closed and in the log there is :
The wallet is probably corrupted: Some keys decrypt but not all.
When I type :
walletpassphrase mypassphrase 120
It does the same : il closes and shows the same message in the log.
Howewer when I start Bitcoin-Qt version 0.9.3 with the same wallet.dat, all works as always and I can do
walletpassphrase mypassphrase 120
without problem or create the transaction that I wanted.
Is it a bug in the newer version of bitcoin ? If not why does it work with 0.9.3 ?
Thank you for your help