You're going to rewrite economics and finance?
Not really trying to go so far. It is more a way to translate accounting and scenario projection to code so that we can use computer programs to explore potential scenarios, decisions and their outcomes, much in the same way that chess programs analyse millions of potential moves. Think of it as Deep Blue meets SAP.
It is not a completely new field, but it is definitely undeveloped and a lot of progress could be made with a moderate amount of effort.
For those people exploring the potential of decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) it will be a very necessary discipline, and a lot of theoretical groundwork needs to be laid down first.
The major difference between this and central plans is the incorporation of market data (prices, demand, production) as the use of feedback loops to adapt plans to changing market conditions, instead of trying to push on without any regard to real world demand, etc.
As I mention in the introduction, this is already done to a certain extent by companies with their marketing plans and discounted cash-flow projections... but in my experience they never go beyond analysing 3-5 potential scenarios and 3-4 major strategic decisions.. in total they might analyse at most 20 possible outcomes. Using market planning software of the kind I'm describing we could be looking at an analysis of thousands or millions of possible outcomes. It would also mean updating and automatically recalculating the outcome matrix in real time.
Surely you can see the value in that?