ok so i put some numbers together..
based on the american national minimum wage, working 40 hours gives an income of $290 a week.
so i see this as a fair minimum weekly income.
i have used this to calculate using the FIAT commodity prices to show what the price would be if it equated to 'labor time'.
so imagine you quit your real life job, and your only income was from bitcoin mining. you would still want to know that the percentage of time you put in eachweek in your old job, still roughly gets you the same products and lifestyle you get purely on bitcoin.
for example GOLD works out as just over 6 weeks worth of income for a guy on minimum wage to buy a troy ounce, and silver works out as just 4.64 hours (roughly) to buy a troy ounce.
now the next step is to figure out the 'international' average income of bitcoins. but for now whether you own a rig-farm or just a couple GPU's, ask yourself this question.
how many coins do you get rewarded in a week. divide that number by 100. then multiply it by the numbers in the column %weekly income. so you can work out how many bitcoins it would cost in a non FIAT world to get these commodities. im still working on a website so you just put in your weekly bitcoin reward and it converts it into commodity prices.
so lets make it simple, u solo mine and u only solve 2 blocks a week giving you 100BTC.
well it would cost you just over 11 BTC for a silver ounce and 606 BTC for a gold ounce.