If you're offering a service , you can do it on the normal Digital goods or Service section.
Digital Goods isn't the place for services. Digital goods is used for selling goods on the forum, not announcing services.
If the service is one section of a site, put it in the Services section. If the entire site is based around your service, put it in Service Announcements. As previously said, use [NSFW] in your title if it contains adult content.
Service also ranges in providing adult accounts, pass , invites, selling videos , photos etc, which belong in Digital goods. I provided it as a option because OP hasn't specified what exactly does he want.
Services actually means graphics, designing, etc for me. Everything that has to do with selling accounts, invites, codes are digital goods.
If you are providing a webcam service - post in services section
If you are providing photos, accounts - post in digital goods section