Hi there. I'm new with the bitcoin community. I haven't done any mining, but wanted to....so, built a system. Just one thing has me hung up is that it won't get to the BIOS screen.
An error says it can not find a boot device, and then asks to hit any key to reboot. But I thought having a drive was not needed to enter into BIOS mode. Afterall, doesn't BIOS on the MoBo or in the CPU independent of any boot devices or drives? BTW: There is no HDD or optical/CD drive installed. However, there is a brand blank SSD installed which I would be classified as a boot capable device or drive.
Things I have NOT tried (becuase I'm tired since it's late) are verifying the SSD drive is connected properly. Connecting a blank USB to act as a potential boot device. Changing the SATA port the SSD drive is connected to....
The Mobo:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130223Other stuff installed: 1 x SSD Drive, 2 x 2G DDR3 RAM, 1 x Anthlon II CPU... 2 x Radeon graphics cards.
Any help in educating me on this would be appreciated.