Contact BitPay, explain what happened and ask them to change the zip code in your order. Also open a support ticket with Avalon and do the same.
Thanks Landstander! I have sent a token of appreciation to your signature address.
I heard back from Stephen at BitPay within a few hours. Those guys are fantastic. They changed the zip code in their records but said that BitSyncom would still have to change it in their order database for the shipment to be addressed properly.
Been waiting about a week for a response from BitSyncom. Has their ticket system worked for anyone else? I would imagine we're in a negative feedback loop by now as some people will tend to send multiple increasingly frantic messages after not hearing back, putting Yifu further into siege mentality. I feel like we should start a donation fund so they can pay someone $25 an hour to go through the tickets. Strange, I know, but these are extreme market conditions. Anarcho-capitalists eat your heart out.