Hi to everybody , I not understud if mining burst I need only space (hdd).Have I also need a compueter with certain characteristics? in case such property shall have to mining burstcoin? Thanks very much, sorry for my "English"!
There is a problem in burst mining which is plotting , if you have a large space on your hdd before mining on them you need to do one time job called plotting before mining on your space , after some experience with burst mining you need a gpu on your pc to do this plotting fast if it's a large space, a low end cpu can make this plotting in days.
Took me less than 2 days (more like 30 hours IIRC) to plot most of a 3GB drive with an AMD A10-5700 - JUST using 3 cores of the CPU.
GPU plotting can be quite a bit faster if you have a mid-to-high end recent GPU though (I tried it with one of my HD7750s, that was SLOWER than using the A10 as I recall though not by a lot).
One trick that helps some - plot smaller files at a time, then you can mine while you're plotting on the completed plot files.