What is the best signature campaign that is worth it to put into your signature field?
Since you are wearing a signature then you might say that it would be the best signature for you.
But well, real talk here, theres no best signature campaign as of now when it comes to bounty hunting since we wont really able to identify out which project would be a success and which would be a flop which means salaries would really vary on how the project would progress and we all know that we dont know such thing.
I like the project you're in, it is promising. I've once reply in your campaign's ANN that I really like your project. But since I have different signature as you, I really put my effort advertising my signature because the project is also good and really nice service. If I saw the bowhead campaign earlier than mine, I rather joined.
Let's be honest here, I really joined campaigns for the bounty. As time my runs in searching for signatures there are really worth advestising. Doesn't matter how much salary you get as long the deserving projects could successfully end. The reason why I started is topic that really people care about the salary or they really help because it is promising.