Hey so I've noticed that there are two stats associated with speed for a given worker. On the client there is a consistent MHash rate and another one in brackets.
I assume (dangerous I know) that the steady number (the first one) is the actual hash rate of the card. This is the speed at which hashes are being generated.
The second one looks to be an 'effective' speed and is directly affected by the luck you have generating shares... sometimes you can have
bad luck1 and your effective MHash rate is lower than your actual hash rate. Is this a correct assumption?
*If that is the correct assumption then I've observed some odd behavior (that could quite possibly be simply related to bad luck and impatience) it looks like my effective hash rate is ~10% less after a 24hr run. This wouldn't surprise me at all if my actual hash rate was slowly as well. I'd probably just remedy that with a schedule task to restart the miner jobs.
1 - Bad luck means you're generating less valid hashes than average for your given hashrate and block difficulty.
Tear me a new one if I'm off on this. Nit pick all you like... curse, swear, call me names... just include a correction as well