if this is not the best place to ask for help, should i try craigslist vegas? i doubt any of the readers of craigslist are smart enough to even know what coinbase is or have a coinbase account, or know what bitcoin is. its basically only used to find hookers. i might find one person in need of $100 bad enough to try, but i would prefer they be intelligent alot more so than i
So let me get this straight, you want to pay someone to verify your coinbase ID with their photo/driver's license etc, for 100$? I really, really don't think that's allowed by coinbase TOS, and if it is, it would still be an extremely dumb thing to do for both parties involved.
He could later claim identity fraud, which might cause you to lose your account/money, and you could launder money using his ID, which can cause him to be criminally charged.
I don't see why anyone would do this?
Or do you simply want someone else's camera to make a picture? for 100$? I'm confused.