sad, you worked for some trading income, and now you make it public?
Seems that you are more a prgrammer than a trader, because you cut your own profit without need.
This was not a good move for yourself.
Arbitage income is limited. If too much people doing this, it is impossible and doesnt work anymore.
In my expierience, more than 2 arbitage traders and the game doesnt work anymore.
looks like this will end the development - and it was sucha nice tool.
my idea was to hook it up with chinnese exchanges
too late :-(
You already have the programm. You can learn to code, or to trade.
But both skills arent easy when you start from 0.
Anyway be happy what you got for free.
Maybe you have luck and the threadstarter doesnt need/like money so he will continue to offer his updated work results.