Hey there!
So checking around I see a number of BFL Jalapenos are "fast flashing" or not working, or having USB/FTDI errors for some reason. I've been tearing my jalapeno apart, and I am really wondering *WHY* this is happening. I'd like to find a solution and figure it out.
To do that I need some dead jallies. So here's an offer you can't refuse: I'll buy the first dead jalapeno for .15 btc as long as it's intact/not smashed/not missing any parts/not stuffed in a turkey. That's *MORE* than what it will mine if it worked. The numbers from Mining.thegenesisblock back this up:
http://mining.thegenesisblock.com/a/0c5df5825eThis is what we classify as a "WTF incredible deal".
PM me and let's go from there.
My offer for burned out singles is in another post around here. But I really want to see what's going on here.
(edit: Someone told me I was completely nuts offering .75btc when I meant to type .075. My error, updated to .08, which is a fairly good deal. But .75 would have been an absolutely, spectacular, that is the most stupid amount in the world sort of deal)
(edit: I bumped up the price to more than what it will mine simply because I'm curious to see how irrational people are. Selling a jally for $600 on Ebay is one thing, holding on to a dead jally that someone is offering you more money than you paid in the first place for it is just beyond greed. I'm curious)
(edit: Due to the upcoming jump in difficulty I am dropping the amount to .15)