Q: Why should people outside BITE community be rewarded for work that is not for BITE community?
A: This is because a person becomes part of BITE community when he/she gets BITE reward. Also all the work that our community members do can be valuable.
Q: Doesn't this inflate the value of existing tokens?
A: Most likely not. Rewards are funded by inflation (for example 5%). On the other hand value of BITE depends on size of the community. Bigger community can create bigger demand.
Q: How can BITE have any value if its given away for free?
A: Majority of BITEs in circulation are not paid as rewards to community members. If there is more demand then BITEs will have value.
Q: how much is BITE worth at the moment?
A: currently 10KBITE is about 2USD. (
Q: What is the reward for Vlogging?
A: Rewards are up to BITE community to decide. They are likely to evaluate quality of your videos, how your videos support the values of BITE community, How much viewers you have, etc
Q: What are the values of BITE community
A: Our values can be found in our Constitution
Q: What information should I provide about the uppaid work that I have done
A: You should provide description of the work (links are welcome) and proof that it was you who did the work