Could the forum administration consider another threat to OP?
Mapинa, вы cвoeй гoлoвoй пoдyмaйтe. Ha вac ecть мнoгo личнoй инфopмaции, нaйти вac, ecли кoмy-тo пpижмёт, нe cocтaвит тpyдa. Cвoeй дeятeльнocтью вы нaживaeтe ceбe oчeнь мнoгo вpaгoв, пoмимo BК. He бoитecь? Bы вeдь пoнимaeтe, чтo тaм, гдe нa кoнy идёт peпyтaция чeгo-тo кpyпнoгo, цeнa жизни чeлoвeкa близкa к нyлю?
Think with your head, Marina. There are lot of personal information, it's not difficult to find you if someone will want. You making a lot of enemies with your activity besides WC (WorldCore). Are you not afraid? Do you realise that when a big reputation is at stake, the price of a person’s life is close to zero?
exactly! rusbase's lawyers understand this - so, I suppose that was the reason they deleted the article.
The article about Worldcore is available again on the Rusbase website
Worldcore is a scam project that made a lot of noise with phony banking licenses, and it all ended with a jail in the end. The project announced the backers that he has all necessary licenses in order to be realized on the market. During the discussion on many sites users have found out that there are no licenses and this is a fake project designed for collecting money only. This project differs from ordinary scams in that no one has ever deceived backers so clumsily and brazenly.