I've tried it and you actually can't download the Dogecoin's block chain. I searched for nodes, but none of them was sending me the blocks sufficiently. I was getting connections like 1KB per second which is obviously not enough to cover the whole chain in one man's life. The whole situation with Dogecoin is ridiculous, none of the people that found in the internet cares about that part.
If you have dogecoins and you want to spend them, you can dump the private key and then import it to exodus, although I don't tend to recommend closed-source wallets. That's what I did. The developers have abandoned (?) the development of Multidoge and I couldn't even set it up.
I don't believe that there's a more centralized fork of Bitcoin than Dogecoin. Still there are believers of this ponzi.
As for the
main thread, you'll never get a proper response except if you wanna find out about the price or when SpaceX will send it to the Moon™ for no reason.
For dumping your private key, open Dogecoin Core and click onto the console. You should enter that:
dumpprivkey [ADDRESS_HERE]