You're right. The NFT world is very personal and it really is about what you want to "collect." I kinda look at them like baseball cards back in the day, you would hold them, collect them and show them off to your family and friends. Sometimes even trade them. No different from NFTs today except it is digital. The biggest factor between some NFTs is passive income which you would have never gotten on a physical collection. With Black Eye Galaxy the person that originally found the NFT will earns 40% of the revenue while another 10% goes to his/her civilization. It is a really cool concept and I am personally really excited for it.
I would saw the above is worth a click and you should enter the contest. You have nothing to lose doing that.
Passive and active income in NFTs.
Passive is if that NFT is really having that feature then the demand for it will eventually increase. But if it's just another digital card, that you won't usually use or does have an actual then it's just good for holding.
Some NFTs have interactive capacity which you can use with their feature that you can use to earn daily.