About the third point in your rules, are you also going to ask people to tell you the list of that specific board? I want to avoid mistakes when sending you pm for the next review, so I hope I get the answer. If it was necessary for every time I asked for a review, then I would.
I'm not going to bust your balls too hard, but read:
You only need to do it once, as I'll save your original PM. Note: I don't review posts in any of the local boards.
I'm assuming that the flurry of requests I've gotten has been the result of me creating this thread--I can't see any other reason why both would have occurred almost simultaneously unless word spread (particularly in the gambling discussion community)--and so in going with that assumption I'm making a further one, that members have actually read my rules before PMing me. I know
you did, but you obviously didn't read closely enough, else you wouldn't have asked that question.
So please, as they used to say on TV back before all of you were born, "Reading is Fundamental". RIF.