Sometimes ago, I read a thread on the forum, can't really remember where but it talked about fear being a motivational push to know, acquire, and sell Bitcoin. In as much as it sounded motivational at first, it also felt twisted and wrong cause we all know fear leads to doubts and stagnancy. So, I decided to look into it.
When it comes to Bitcoin, we all know there are risks attached to it. In fact, whatever thing you decide to do, be it good, bad, beneficial, or not, there are risks attached to it and it makes the future of whatever we are doing to be uncertain. Now the question or the main deal is, do we need to wait for fear of regretting to be our push towards doing certain things?
Now, I have and I'm certain that we've all been in situations where we wanted to do something, we've set goals to solve one problem or the other and we failed to continue along the way. Personally, I think that was fear of uncertainty playing with us. Fear doesn't motivate it just leads to procrastination and zero growth where you'd find yourself saying, I'll do it tomorrow until tomorrow never comes ( been a huge victim). Confidently doing whatever you're doing consistently with the right knowledge is appropriate. If you're going to wait for motivation every day, you're not going to get anything done, learn to discipline yourself every day.
The purpose of this thread is to first of all encourage my fellow newbies out there who are finding it hard to adapt to the forum or anything at all. Just keep on learning and writing until you can't keep track anymore. Knowledge is very important, don't let fear drive you away from anything, and when it's time to acquire bitcoins you'll be able to face the risks too, without fear. And with the right knowledge.
I know how frustrating it is for people who try to do things they don't know from the start, but I really like Branson's sentence "when someone asks you to work on something you don't know, accept it, learn as you go", I also didn't at first understand what bitcoin is - blockchain technology - halving and so on, but I still have the intention to know at least a little knowledge of it all, and I can still survive until now on this beloved forum. Apart from that, FUD will continue to exist, as part of the BTT community, we must strengthen each other.