I've had both xbox and ps2 and found that xbox was the better system.. I had xbox 360 and ps3 and sold my ps3 rather quickly so going with past experience I decided to skip the ps4 and just get the xbox one. And I'm telling you right now , no regrets it is a awesome console.. And with the better exclusives out already and titanfall and halo 5 it's only gonna get better ! Playstation is suppose to be the "true gamers system" where are the exclusives?? Killzone?? No thanks and ya the playstation has more power but who's to even say that they are gonna take full advantage of that!
You know what speaking of Exclusive games for Xbox One... Main Exclusive for XBOX is ''Halo'' and then other games shows up. Even now PS4 has more
games than XBOX One has.
''Many tech savvy insiders still gave the PS4 a memory advantage EVEN at 4GB versus 8, because of the bandwidth leap. At 8 each, there's no contest.
Also on topic of the PS4 being 50% faster - it factually IS in regards to the GPU (1152 shaders on PS4, 768 on Xbox), PS4 has more raw computing performance with that advantage, and there is no way to spin it. The GDDR5 also gives PS4 a memory advantage. Microsoft partially makes up for it with the 32MB of eSRAM, but that is a cache/frame buffer. Fun fact: Killzone Shadow Fall would need over 40MB of eSRAM to do the same thing it's doing on PS4, on Xbox One. PS4's GPU also has 18 compute units, versus 12 on Xbone. This allows PS4 to provide superior GPGPU functionalities, to take load off the CPU. A great example of this at work is with the game Resogun, which according to the devs is too physics (CPU) heavy to run on PS3 or Vita. The game uses only 50% of PS4's CPU at maximum load, and this is thanks to PS4's awesome GPU taking off physics load that would otherwise be very demanding on the CPU.
These are just SOME of the ways PS4's tech is superior. Not going to go into much more detail, but people should be aware that the PS4 and Xbox One are based on the same GPU architecture; PS4 just uses a higher end chip within that architecture. It's like buying a mid range PC graphics card, versus a high end one of the same series; they have big differences. Some other things that can benefit from PS4's extra power which we might see translate into better results in EVEN MULTIPLATFORM games is the possibility of better effects like SSAO, better AA, dynamic lighting, etc. For example, Driveclub uses realtime, dynamic lighting, and Forza does not.''