I want to create a website to facilitate the purchase of commodities produced in Cambodia. I want a simple format for 4 or 5 products, a page for each, and a way to 'check out'. I also need someone who wants to enjoy seeing if this project succeeds and can work with me in getting it off the ground. I don't think it will take a whole lot of effort to set up the website. I'd be more interested in giving you a piece of equity than paying you up-front because I'm not sure yet how plausible the idea is. So if you have some patience and are looking for an interesting project then please send me a message. Cheers!
The term commodities has a specific meaning, and generally refers to goods like "rice" or "beef". Did you instead intent mean to refer to manufactured products that are fairly general (i.e., brand name isn't important ... where the product is "generic"?)
There are a number of ways to easily test the market.
Such as BitMit:
http://www.bitmit.netAnd you don't even need to give up any equity to use it!