Yeah... guess I got unlucky... didn't even have them working for 24h...
So... what are your experiences with Bitmain tech and ordering from them?
Can I trust them? Or is it the same russian roulette game?
If you order from them, the thing should be under warranty. So if there is something wrong, it should be fixable, although you would have to ship them back the defective thing at your expenses.
What is the PSU you used that burned a bunch of S5 cards?
I received them with 2 Corsair CX850M
The 12v rail has 70amp over 840w
I connected all 4 power connectors and followed Dogies' "how to"
My guess is something was wrong with them from the start... maybe they were poorly stored somewhere or so...
I don't see how I could burn 2 complete s5's hashboards by just setting them up to my pool and letting them go at standard frequency using the PSU's that came with them in 48h...?
I kept a close eye on the temp because I just got them, so I know nothing seemed to be reading out of the ordinary...
It's really sad... this gives me a bad after taste of ebay...