Why would you bother ? You seem like an experienced member to encourage Account sales.Instead of opposing the cause you're supporting it.I'm afraid you are simply posting here for the signature otherwise you would not care about the post quality if you are planning to buy one.And if you're planning to buy one,I feel bad for you son this forum got 99 problems but account sales ain't one!
I do not want to argue with you. Posting using my known alt account now (which is not in a signature campaign). Peace.
Just a warning to OP, this account was actually sold to another user and that user didn't send the payment to the seller. Here's the thread -->
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1483044. Please deal with him with extreme caution. There's an open scam accusation right now for this user.
Boss ! i don't know about this scam etc, i bought this account near to 10 days back, and now i wanted to sell it out.
From what I know, Fatanut is not saying that the account you are selling is 'illegal' product. He is just telling you that 'squabblegrill' (the person who offered you 0.028 BTC) is a known scammer. No worries if you did nothing wrong. However ... you already tell the public that you bought this account ten days ago ...
(Just wanting to help)