Hi Michael,
Can you explain to me from where will come revenues to cover maintenance costs, and users earnings from game/farm?
The bulk of the income we get from working with CPA networks such as "ADmitad", "ActionPay" and others. We place affiliate links via the context advertising and get commissions on each sale or lead. Basically we work with partners that provide microfinance services. Monthly income here is 10-25% of the funds spent on advertising, the main thing to choose the right platform for advertising and honest partners. Yes, we use money of our customers, but always keep a reserve fund to pay for our users. Until recently, we have also received little revenue from several of our faucets. At the moment, these projects are frozen due to the increased price of Bitcoin.
We also plan to add advertising at the pages of our site in the future. While we do not see sense in it because of small number of users at this moment.