Hello friends
Do you know
1337 coin? if not see this
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1319833.0Lets get started : Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we’re solving require so many computer calculations.
The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with 1337 Foundation.
to START FOLDING there are two ways
https://folding.stanford.edu/start-folding/ -->
using software:
While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer or phone will be working to
help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Influenza and many others.
using your browser :
When using the Chrome Browser you can run Folding@home without downloading the software to
your computer or phone. Simply launch the app and start folding.
after that ..
When will I get paid? Payouts are scheduled once a week, every Friday. All wallet addresses used for folding are automatically credited with 1337.
How do I start folding with my wallet address?
In the tab Browser folding use your
wallet address where it says "folding as" and save the settings.
What is the team id?
The team id 233050 should already be in the “for team” field. However, if this is not the case, kindly use 233050 as your team id.
Where can I see my folding stats?
Your stats are shown on the Stanford Edu website and Browser folding page.
Your donations are greatly appreciated! 😃
1337coin :LZVcDXJuw2rRqrcgxzz5vvB9ip6dpDRo6a