November 04, 2017, 05:44:18 AM |
I got an Avalon 741 today, complete with controller, converter, all cables, power supplies, etc.
It didn't take my long to figure out that the 16GB SD card was blank. I dug into a drawer for a USB-to-SD card adapter that I put there over 5 years ago, thinking I'd never need it. I needed it today. I went to the Avalon website and downloaded the openwrt-brcm2708-bcm2710-rpi-3-ext4-sdcard.img file and win32diskimager, and it burned the image right to the SD card. So far so good.
I got the Pi Avalon controller hooked up to my laptop and a usb mouse, usb keyboard, and monitor through its HDMI. I hooked up ONLY THE Pi CONTROLLER, no converter, or Avalon miner, or the wiring for it. Is this my first mistake?
I've been going under the assumption that my Pi is a Pi3, not a Pi2 or Pi1. How to tell? So much of the Pi bootup screen goes by too fast to read when I boot it up, and the up arrow on the keyboard won't scroll back up. This Pi says "TOMTEsci.com on the case.
After hitting the TAB key and seeing the long list of commands, I am able to type ifconfig into the Pi and see that its static IP is . But no way no how can I connect to the damn thing. Not directly ethernet cabled to my modem, not through my Cisco 3560 network switch, not with the ethernet running directly to my Windows 7 laptop, etc. I had the laptop both in DHCP and with the IPv4 setting set to / subnet / default gateway (and just to try it).
Going into my fios modem console, I can see 8 cabled devices, but nothing claiming to be a Pi, I tried typing several IPs into an internet explorer window, and never found the Pi, although I did find my HP printer.
So now I'm like "dafuq?". Can't get into the Pi. I don't know if I have to have the Avalon miner and its converter hooked up to the controller to do this, I don't see why that would be necessary, I am just trying to get my NiceHash wallet info into the Pi.
Every online tutorial I have found managed to leave out some critical data here or there, or they just plain don't work.
Who knows what I am doing wrong?