Any chance of adding Heroes of the Storm to the list of supported games?
It is essentially Blizzard's League of Legends and I know you support world of warcraft.
If you were to implement HOTS the likely pathway to connecting accounts would be which shows in depth match history for players.
I used to play wow but I'm not much a fan of their current expansion, I played LOL for awhile when DGB gaming first launched and got 10-20k DGB but I'm not the biggest LoL fan.
I play a lot of HOTS, it's the next big game imo. DOTA was originally a hack of Blizzard's warcraft games and HOTS is like a true blizzard endorsed DOTA. Very fun.
Also, I don't play Overwatch but it is likely the most popular game around atm. Elon Musk even said it's his game of choice when he occasionally games. If you managed to get Overwatch implemented you might be able to tap into another audience.