Just happened again.... why does this KEEP happening??
Why do you think it keeps happening? They are supporting dozens of altcoins on a brand new platform with a huge influx of new users. When Apple or Google launch a new phone their servers crash and they have unlimited funds.
I'm not saying you should love Cryptsy, use it or don't - but what would you say is the better alternative? I'm willing to give them some time to work through things.
Yes we all had understanding that this can happen. But if it's not temporary but permanent which in the case of Cryptsy has been for the last weeks, the logical conclusion is to stop using it. Who can cope with issues all the time when proper trading depends on stability? I can not
So please tell me the alternative exchange where you can trade all these coins? And what is your experience there?
I'm not apologizing for Cryptsy, but you are trading crypto-currency on an exchange and complaining that it's not stable? This stuff is in its infancy, if you want stable trade Forex.
When we have issues we should raise them. As long as they are going in the right direction (which is a matter of opinion, I think they are) then I'm ok.