I got 12 block Erupters that I bought back in Aug. they were working fine till a few weeks ago. I can't figure out what's wrong with them. I had them plugged into a Raspberry Pi running cgminer.
When I try to run it now, I get a error ffffff or error 000000. If I put in each miner individually they work just fine (tested each of them for a hr+ and no issues).
I tried a different PC with the same usb hubs and same issue
The psu for the hub could be dieing. I've had two or three slowly die and it generates all kinds of problems. You must have .5 amp at each port.
I tried the same PC with a new hub and same issue
Any thoughts on what could be going on? If it was the miners, then they wouldn't be hashing. If it was the usb hub, then replacing it would of fixed the issue. If it was the program then a new pc or usb would fix it....
The new hub had sufficient power for each stick?
Burn a new .img on a new sd card for the Pi, cards have a limited lifespan.
I gave up on the damn wall warts and the problems and heat they generate. I hacked a psu to use the 5v rail to power most of my hubs, little more noise and lot less heat.