It's amazing how the Rooskies keep trying to re-lose a cold war they already lost. Held up our Olympic team's yogurt at customs. Country run by a short bald guy who plays Karate and rides horses bare-chested. Their whole economy is based off of selling their natural resources to real industrialized economies. And that's the improved Russia!
Cold war? The question of who truly lost it will be answered in a few hundred of years. As for now, Russia has managed to cut back its military spendings, while US bloats them; Russia is not invading anyone, while US is doing it non-stop, trying to ignite WW3 and maintaining its title of the Evil Empire.
Your comment is a manifestation of a certain type of a blindfolded and brainwashed Western/US mindset, which longs for the days of the cold war. Hopefully you are not in the majority.
You are sadly right that selling of natural resources had become the main source of income, mainly because of the politicians since Yeltsin's times, who sold their soul to the Western transnats, WTO and money cartels, as well as to a group of money-loving oligarchs who are as Russian as Obama is Irish.