Hello Bitcointalk!
Although some could say FedoraCoin is a dying coin, I can't seem to just give up on it and recently have picked up a project.
With my rather
limited knowledge of Java, I poked around trying to port the DogeCoin Android wallet...
But for that I needed to first change up the bitcoinJ library, which had already been ported to DogeCoin.Then, just change the network constants appropriate to FedoraCoin.
However, I seem to hit a brick wall and seemingly making no progress in solving it. So I ask the community if you guys would like to check out my github!
CURRENT PROBLEM: Won't sync past Block 9! Please open an issue in github if you have any clues or full solutions please
https://github.com/denwaotoko/fedoracoinjI hope I won't embarass myself showing you all this, but if anyone would like to feel free to fork it and fix it up
If I get this working, I'd like to give back to the crypto community by porting more altcoins to the Android Wallet, but at this current stage I'm too dumb to figure it out on my own.
Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any help I get, my ears are open to all suggestsions!