In the past 30 days, there have been 397 super-bumps from 57 distinct users contributing 11355 bump-power. Over the same period, the total bump-power from both mini-bumps and super-bumps was 88127.
That's 12.88% Super bumps.
In the past 365 days, there have been 8850 super-bumps from 308 distinct users contributing 222971 bump-power. Over the same period, the total bump-power from both mini-bumps and super-bumps was 1041245.
That's 22.41% Super bumps.
Thanks for sharing statistics. The results surprised me, I would have expected the Super bumps to contribute more than the Mini bumps.
After reading your post, I realized that the stats I gave were highly misleading because mini-bumps occur (and super-bumps are possible by playing with URLs) across the entire forum, but they only have
practical effect on certain boards, and the stats I gave previously were global. Restricting it to only the boards where modified-bump-ordering is default, it's:
30 days: 12901 super bump-power out of 13492 total bump-power
365 days: 220802 super bump-power out of 232874 total bump-power