June 02, 2014, 03:05:12 AM |
So not much of a talker, and haven't slept in around 30 hours. But here it goes.
Spend times with the ones you love. I lost my grandpa last night and it truly hurts. A lot of people have asked me today if I was close with my grandpa. I guess I didn't really realize people weren't close with their family. I have known him since day 1, he has scolded me, lectured me, given me hugs, cared for me, fed me, done anything in the world for me. Of course I am close with him. I see him usually twice a year, and I did get to see him 2 weeks ago, so that is a sort of good bye I got to say.
This got me thinking today, why did I selfishly choose to not see him more. Was it so important I couldn't call him at least once a week and let him I know I was thinking of him? Was it so hard to maybe plan a weekend to visit him? I took him for granted is the simple answer. He was grandpa, how could he die?
I'm not really sure why I am writing this. I guess I just hope you guys read this and remember how important family is. It may not seem like much, but call them once in awhile and check in, let them know you care about them. It may not seem like its that much to you, but I bet your family would absolutely love it!
Long story short, you don't know how long any of us are going to be around. Tell the ones you love how much they mean to you!
Rest in peace Grandpa, I love you.