I have no idea about your main question but no one around here should give a flip about your preferences in the least. As a republican that leans libertarian, it's so obnoxious that social cons worry that their world is faultering when gay folk express their opinions and choices about their lifestyles. So annoying, like stop this garbage of caring whether someone does this or that. Let's move the price upward and then focus on that.
I could care less about you knowing I'm gay. I just thought it was humerus that the word gay was a part of my Bitcoin afdress. You clearly have read too much into this friendly post and took it more for what it really is. My sharing my orientation as background information for the delivering of why having the word gay is comical, to me anyway, in my Bitcoin address. But what it comes down to. I suppose I Care as much about what you do and who you are as much as you care about my orientation.
Take care my friend,
- The 1JAsFKGAYup n00b