Loan amount: 1btc
Repayment amount: .12btc
Repayment date: March 31, 2015
BTC Address: 18Hftg7gAFd7HjNhKHiw8nik8G8ffF9oMW
are you looking to borrow 1
BTC or .1
BTC ? If it is the later can you sign a message from 18Hftg7gAFd7HjNhKHiw8nik8G8ffF9oMW which you have posted multiple times in the past (and also happens to be the address you are requesting the loan to be sent to). The message should read:
This is waterpile requesting a loan from quickseller on march 28 2015 in the amount of .1 btc
Also can you get marcotheminer to guarantee that he will send
BTC to the repayment address for your signature earnings in the event that you default on the loan?