first: sorry for my bad english language!
im using microwallet api and script
i need help! how i can resolve problem?
i got this email from adsense:
Hope all is well. I`m contacting you as it seems that your actions wasn`t enough to fix the problem - as there are still email addresses in ad requests.
Here are the samples of requests from your URLs:
Url group:
Found 15 time(s) or 0.0022023197 of the total records
Url sample: sample: GET /pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-328247&output=html&h=90&slotname=494&adk=13746&w=728&lmt=14163&flash=16.0.0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsit&dtd=242 HTTP/1.1
Most recent time: 2015-03-28 01:35:12 UTC
i need help! how i can resolve problem?
It looks like someone is using their email address for their referral name:
$GLOBALS['view']['main']['referral_url'] = htmlspecialchars(get_main_url() . '?r=') . (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9\.\+\-\_\@]{3,50}$/', $GLOBALS['view']['main']['username']) ? $GLOBALS['view']['main']['username'] : htmlspecialchars('Bitcoin address'));
What you can do is remove the @ symbol from above, this will prevent what Google was talking about.
Edit: It's line 995 in index.php forgot to mention that.