I'm Pharno, Coder for 5+ years, looking for some awesome problems to solve. I have created various Websites for my work (One for an Oil company with a shop).
Here's why you should hire me:
- 5 years experience in Python
- 2 year experience in Linux / Servers
- 1 year experience in PHP
- 1/2 year experience in MySQL
- 1/2 year experience in TYPO3
What I can do for you:
- Server Administration (Apache / nginx / MySQL) - 1BTC / h
- Websites - 1BTC / h
- Web Applications - 2BTC / h
What I expect from you:
- Clear Concept: what is needed, how does everything work together (I can help you with this for 0.5BT / h)
- Design(ideas) if available
Get in touch with me. You can write me with just an Idea, or a whole concept with to-do list, I can work with both.You can reach me best on jabber as
pharno_freelance@jabber.ccc.de or via PN.
Hope to hear from you soon.