Have you got an item that you want at an auction? Are you sad that you have a life that interferes with awesome auctions?
Well I have a solution for you!
My no life bidding services! That is right I stay up all night for you!
Just message me a day or two in advance before the auction closes.
Required information-
Auction Post:
Maximum bid(that you would pay):
Payment plan is a minimum of 0.04
BTC or 1% per auction.
So get that sleep while my third red-bull kicks in!
Please post or message now
(More of a joke service)
EDIT: Quoted from Blazed's Auction for Lealana Litecoin coins ms68
I think we should set a time that satisfies the times for the most bidders, but whatever that time is, it should be in the weekend
I don't know about everyone else, but I can say it would be easier to stay up in the weekends.
I predict that soon there will be someone who offers "bidding" services. Staying up and bidding in your behalf so you can sleep