Installed on Ubuntu 12.04 for the bitcoin address
I was just introduced to bitcoins a few weeks ago. I was using the bitcoin-qt application on Windows 7. But I was getting tired of switching to Windows 7 just to check the balance, plus the wait time for bitcoin-qt to re-sync with the blockchain info was frustrating, especially after not using Windows 7 for a few days. (I didn't install bitcoind on Ubuntu, because the blockchain db is eating up space under Windows 7, and I didn't want a duplicate eating up space for Ubuntu - ie shared HD).
I tried the pre-built Electrum deb install package for amd 64 client via the website. Well the installer dependencies are sort of wacky, and I had to manually apt-get python-twisted and "fix" the install. After which it ran, at first it wasn't connecting to a stratum(sp?) server...then I read the forums and switched from to port 50001, then it connected.
But then, I tried importing some keys from another wallet, and I got a "Error: keypair import failed:" with a blank reason. Well, gosh the blank reason was weird. Browsing git did not give me any clues. So, I tried a few more keys, and got the same error...I gave up and downloaded the source, fired up vi added an import pdb & pdb.set_trace() call to look into things....2 hours later I figured out that the ecdsa crypto in fairly old, and does not support compressed keys...3 hours later, I gave up on trying to update, and just uncompressed the keys before importing them. However, even after successfully importing the keys, the balance never updated...
I would post this to the Electrum development forum, but I don't have that right(at least for now).