has been well documented even by the BBC, in their 1992 classic documentary about the CIA’s (still-ongoing) Gladio Operation, America’s CIA basically took control of the international racist-fascist (i.e., ideologically nazi) movement after World War II, by protecting and hiring Hitler’s Nazis and their key aristocratic eastern European supporters undercover. The Gladio Operation was just one branch of a broader CIA strategy, developed by Allen Dulles and originally carried out by his protégé James Angleton, to use, for the purposes of America’s aristocracy, nazis’ intense racism, by retargeting it away from Jews and toward Russians, so as to weaken first the Soviet Union, and, then, after the end of that, Russia itself. (U.S. President Barack Obama’s involvement with Ukraine is very much a result of this post-WW-II pro-nazi Dulles-Angleton program.)
There were many other branches of this strategy, one being by the World Bank and IMF to introduce capitalism into the former Soviet states in a manner that would privatize their formerly government-owned assets to aristocrats in the West and in the formerly Soviet nations by means of insider fire-sales which enabled these state-assets to be picked up by cooperating local insiders at non-market super-low prices and thereby have these new “oligarchs” (the local copies there of Western capitalism’s own aristocrats) as being secret agents of the U.S. aristocracy, who would thus be extending the American aristocracy’s control eastward.
So: those are the forces that have produced the politics and government that exists, regardless of the politics and government that would be the best, or even good, or even just okay, for most people. Injustice and oppression are natural, even though they are also evil. And: just because something is natural doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s inevitable. Only the most extreme conservatives believe that “Might makes right.” The fact is: Might makes likely. And, real progress is always unlikely. But it does happen, especially in the best of countries. America’s great Founders defeated the aristocracy of their time. Gradually, an American aristocracy has arisen to take its place. But, with what’s now known, perhaps those people can also be defeated; and, this time, because of what is now known, it might be able to be done in a way that will prevent any future aristocracy from forming here. The situation is far from hopeless. It is bad, but progress really is possible. And progress should be the goal.
That's why all personal, family, children, and private contractors of the cia will have to be round up on the west coast, to be loaded (they are
cattle to me now), direction the MAINLAND, then in train to desert, dispatched by family on the soil, and used as water and nutriments things to improve the sand wall. thank you brennan for being such a fascist and a Nazi, thank you for everything (/sarc), you have to pay, the ultimate price for your betrayal toward mankind, I know you aren't one of us... but still you could have grown a human being, you chose to be a beast, working and protecting the Epstein of this world, destroying everything and of course but not the least terrible to have plan to enslave me and my loved ones to the American aristocrats... (lol such fools, believe everything they put in their heads...). thx for playing, the kick back start now. ahhh and yes you, as a nation American are cursed, enjoy the pull down, it's GODLIKE this time. bye bye, kiss your kids, I don't know when the deportation starts (first finishing the usarmy, or they will do it themselves, for those still full inked and not wearing bitches shoes, the others... go back to your mothers... they will need you in those apocalyptic times that are going to fall on your homes).